Chapter 1, The War

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The black fog swept in on the city of Anitria, asphyxiating all in its path. A blanket of blackness smothered nature's beauty; the emerald green leaves now shrivelled and dead, as the fog gradually approached the invisible barrier protecting the Palace of elves.
Gale stormed out the main gate of the palace to look up at the darkness which mercilessly destroyed everything. His violet cloak blew in the wind, waves of the silky material was dancing away with the gust of the icy wind. Having the ability to control earth's elements he raised both of his blemished hands, his sleeves lifted exposing his golden muscular forearm. He inhaled the moist air, closed his eyes and swiped away the fog with ease. Sending it to the seas. Opening his eyes Gale couldn't see anything beneath the palace wall. Manipulating his power he summoned the wind to his command, and levitated into the air. He flew to the highest point of the palace to get a better view of the city. Slicing through the wind he landed on the clock tower. Looking around the entire city his body trembled with fear and disbelief. The city had been drained of life, no one could've survived...

Gale returned to the ground and rushed inside to alert the king elf Barnabus Farraday. Sprinting past all house slaves with utter speed and agility he reached the Main Hall. The enormous oak doors lay before him. Melted gold finely patterned the door and the chrome knobs contrasted with it perfectly. Gale reached for the knob, gripped it with fear and swung open the door.

Storming into the Main Hall Gale's purposeful footsteps silenced everyone. He bowed to the King, Queen Rosaline and the beautiful princess Ivy. Gale's body was tensed, his sweat trickled down his right cheek.

Using her powers the princess read Gale's mind and spoke aloud "He attacked again. Sending his power to take over the city?" Ivy questioned while staring at Gale.

"Is this true Gale?" the King angrily asked.

"I am afraid so your highness" Gale looked down as he spoke. The nobles in the hall gasped to the news.

Rising to his feet, the king looked around the room. His navy cloak respectfully drooped behind him. The indigo stitches entwined with the gold and formed a rose on the back of his silky cloak. The Queen remained seated, so did the princess. Their shock chained them to the luxurious chair.

"We have been suffering for too long! Putting up with Morester's attacks! We have to act now! He is becoming more powerful by the day."

Calling upon Alex the head of the guards the king said "Let the royals from all cities in Anitria know... We are going into war!"

Gale looks up petrified and nervous as his hand rests on the titanium blade which lay by his side. Doubting himself he whispers "My time has come to face Morester..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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