Is the besemeant

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Izaya, Shizou, Eren, and Sasuke were sitting in a cell.

Eren: So what are we going to do?

Sasuke: There's nothing we can do! We are doomed! D-O-O-M-E-D. Doomed!

Eren: There still may be hope!

Sasuke: How! Damien is going to kill us!

Eren: Jack might save us!

Sasuke: Will you stop with Jack! His not coming back! He probably is far away from here! So forget it!!!

Izaya looked at the empty cellars. He thought about Jack.

Shizou walked up to him.

Shizou: ok?

He said putting his hand on Izaya's shoulder.

Izaya: Yeah...I'm just hoping the Jack does come....if he does maybe we could talk to him....

Izaya shock his head.

Izaya: I think this is getting to my brain....I mean why would he's not like we were there for home...

Shizou looked saddened at Izaya's words.

Shizou: Don't say that.....he could come....

Izaya looked at him. He eyes hopeful.

Izaya: Do....Do you really think so....?

Shizou smiled.

Shizou: Yeah maybe....we just gotta wish....

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