And the baby is....

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POV Meredith
Sense Derek came home I have been so happy that he is here we have been catching up on what happened in the last seven months pretty much he said he could have been there for like five months or a year because there r no war happening where they were based. And I talked about my days being a school teacher because I started this year. "It was 10 o'clock in the morning and we have been talking sense we wake up my appointment is at 10:45 so we have to get up soon" I said to Derek when he finish what he was saying " ok then let's get dressed " he said back to me then kissed me and got up the get dressed. "It is 10:30 and it takes 5 minutes to get there " I said knocking on the bathroom door so Derek can get out so we can go " ok I gets need to fix one part of my hair and we will go, ok babe " he said as I opened the door, " you take forever ever with your hair " I said laughing when I saw him make a face because his hair wasn't going in the way he wanted it to go.
We got in the car and drove to the doctors when we got there we walked hand an hand inside the building I told them my name and there said they will be with me in a moment I thank her and go sit next to Derek. " Meredith Grey" The nurse called me back we got up and walked back with her " your doctor will be with you in am minute " ok thank you " I said to her then she walked out of the room. I turned and looked at Derek " what do you think it is I think it is a boy " I said to him, "will I am hoping for a girl but I am fine either way" he said then kissed me on the forehand, we hear a knock at the door then the doctor came in " hello Meredith how r you doing today felling good " Dr. Margaret said " oh hi I'm Dr. Margaret nice to meet you " she said to Derek " hi I am Derek and it is nice you meet you too ... oh I am Meredith's boyfriend I wasn't here because I was serving in Afghanistan an I came back too surprise her and see my son or daughter so I am excited" Derek said with a smile " Meredith you got a good one on you hands you a lucky one " Dr. Margaret said I nodded and smiled " I sure do don't I " I said grading Derek's hand " ok you ready to start " she said I nod " ok it will be cold at first then warm up in a second " she said "ok" I replied " ok so the baby look good it is healthy and here is the heartbeat" Dr. Margaret said I smile at Derek and he smiled back " ok so that is good any questions" she said " um can we know the sex of the baby " I said looking at Derek " oh of course you can " she turn the screen so it was Facing us " ok Derek can you tell me what it looks like to you because you baby is not shy " she said the Derek , Derek looked close to it and " well it is definitely not shy so when do you think our son will be coming out like next month or in two months " Derek said and then looked at me and lended in and kissed me on the lips " I told you to was a boy " I said to Derek " ik your always right " Derek said and kissed me again " ok so to answer you questions Derek the baby should be born in July 2017 in two months and in 2 weeks come back here ok" she said then left " we r going to have a boy " I said to Derek " ik I am excited even more now " him said with excitement.
We heard out to the car and got in " are you hungry because it is almost 12 and there is a little calf in the corner down the street that has really good sandwiches" Derek said as we were driving " ya I am starving we can go there " I said and graded Derek's hand an laid it on my lap.
We pulled into the parking lot and got out and we sat down and the waiter came over " hi my name is April would you like anything to drink" she said to us " umm I will take water " I said " me too please and thank you " Derek said " ok I will be right with your drink " she said a walked away. She came back with our drinks " are you ready to
order or do you need a little bit more time " April asked " um are we ready " Derek said Looking at me I nodded " ok so I with have a cheeseburger with fries " Derek said to April " I will have the same thing " I said " ok i will be back with the food when it comes out " Aril said to us " ok thank you" me and Derek said at the same time " I am so glad you r back " I said reaching for his hand "me too I missed you so much over there " Derek said holding my hand. A couple minutes later April came back with our food and we started eating after lunch we dove back to our house and relaxed the rest of the day.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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