Chapter 1: Darkness

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I always sleep with a light on. I hate the dark. The reason I hate it is because when I was younger, my little sister, Sarah, would come into my room every night and stand next to my bed. Whenever I heard her breathing I would wake up, and seeing a figure next to me always scared the crap out of me. So now whenever she comes into my room, I can see who it is, though I still jump when I realise someone is there.

My sister always acts quite strange. It embarrasses me when I'm hanging with my friends at school and she comes up to us and just stands there staring at one of them. Or when I'm sitting next to her at the table with the rest of my family eating dinner and she grabs my hand and squeezes it for no reason. Or if I'm doing my homework and she sits next to me and starts giggling... and doesn't stop. Nobody in my family knows why she is like this, and it really creeps me out. She should be in a mental hospital. 

Last night before I fell asleep, she walked up to my doorway and stood there smiling at me. I told her to go away but she wouldn't, so I got out of bed, took her by the shoulders and guided her back to her own bedroom. I slowly drifted to sleep. I woke up as I heard heavy breathing next to me. 'Hang on', I thought... 'The lights are off'. I struggled to find the switch to my lamp and I was panicking by now, deep down I knew that it was my sister, but my mind made me think it was someone else. I finally found the light switch and quickly turned the lamp on. My sister was standing there with her eyelids shut but I could see her eyes moving around rapidly, she was breathing heavily and for a moment I thought she was having some sort of seizure. I yelled her name and she forced her eyes open and looked at me with a terrified expression on her face. "It's coming Emma, it's coming for you!" she whimpered. 

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