Secrets - 1.0

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September 23, 2020 6:45 am

I waited by the steps of Peter's apartment like I did every morning. I saw him peek through the blinds of the window to see if I was here. I waved shyly. He opened the door and shouted "Bye, May. Love you too!" And shut the door behind him. "Hey Pete."
"Hey Sarah." He sighed. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just sore." He rubbed the back of his neck. "From what?"
"I- uh- the stark internship."
"What were you doing that was so tough?" I questioned, actually concerned.
"Nothing, its fine. I'm fine. Hey what happened there?" He pointed over to the local deli. "Oh my gosh. I hope Mr. Delmar is okay."
"He is fine." Peter calmly added. "How do you know?" I asked.
"He was on the news." He nervously responded. "Come on, we are going to be late."

Ever since the stark internship, he's been acting different. He seems so dazed now. The only things he seems to care about is Mr. Tony stark and Liz Allen. I would be Lying if I said I wasn't jealous.
"Peter, what's going on with you?"
"Nothing's going on Sarah. I'm fine."
"Stop lying to me."
"I'm just a little... preoccupied."
"With what? The internship." He nodded. I remained quiet. He is hiding something from me. I know he is. But I don't know what.
We reached the subway station and rode it to school in silence. I played music through my earbud quietly.
"Yes? What's up?"
"Do you think I have a chance with Liz?" My heart broke. "Yeah, I do." I said with sadness filling my voice. He smiled but I just continued playing music.

We reached the school and we headed our separate ways.
*skip to lunch*
I walked to our normal table where Peter, michelle, Ned and I sat at.
When I got there, Ned and Peter were already there, and they were gawking at Liz.
"Did Liz get a new top?" Peter asked.
"No. You've seen it before. But never with that skirt."
"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though. "
"Too late." I responded.
"You guys are losers." Michelle followed up.
"Then why do you sit with us?" Ned asked.
"Because Sarah is my only friend." I smiled at her.

"Liz is so beautiful." Peter muttered as he stared at her.
"Yeah, she is." I sighed. Michelle looked at me with sad eyes and gave me a reassuring smile.
"You know what guys, I think I'm going off campus today.. see you later." I grabbed my bag and walked away before they could say a word to me.
"Sarah wait up." MJ shouted and caught up to me.
"What's wrong? Is it Peter?" I nodded.
"I can't take this anymore. I can't be around him, it hurts too much."
" it's okay. Things will all work out in the end. But if you feel like you have to take a break from him then do that. Do whatever it takes to make yourself happy." I gave her a half smile as we walked off campus.
"Something's off about Peter. He's been acting off for the past couple months. He's running off doing god knows what now. Aunt May said he disappears in the night. He quit marching band and robotics lab and he's keeping secrets for me. I don't understand. "
"He's a teenage boy. Of course he's going to have his secrets and rebel a little. I'm sure it's not a big deal."
"Yeah, you're probably right."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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