will my senpai ever notice me?

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Short answer no long answer I have been tagged for the first time In Forever by a person (not aloud to say there name but they are awsome just trust me)

Rules (I hate em)
1. You must post all the rules
2. You can't tag the person who tagged you
3. you can't refuse
4. You have a week to do this
5. You have to post this on a chapter not a post/comment
6. You have to have 13 things about yourself
7. you half to tag 13 people
8. You half to have a creative title (I think I passed this one)
9. You can't change the rules

About the wild rose
1. I am born on Aug 3 2003
2. I am a leo roar
3. I have been playing the clarinet for almost three years
4. I have three cats gamsie mittens and rascal
5. I have two brothers one half one full (I hate the full one)
6. I just recently started playing the tenor saxophone
7. I dream of being an actress
8. My mom almost named me navada Pheonix but my dad got to name me
9. My real name is not rose
10. I used to be shy but I am starting to break out of my shell
11. I love anime and manga
12. I have really bad depression (tmi?)
13. I love the color blue

Taged people

This has nothing to do with anything by the movie that was on said you can smoke a hornet (I know I did not misheard it) bye bye rose out

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