Chapter 5

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Niall and Angel's Dad's Pov

I'm sitting in my little princesses hospital room with my wife just waiting for her to wake up. I'm so worried. She's just lying there motionless, if it wasn't for the sound of the heart monitor I would have thought she was dead.

(I don't no the parents names so I'm making them up)

"John? Do you think she'll be okay?" Sandra asked.

"Oh Sandy, I sure hope so" I said hugging her.

For another hour we just sat there waiting. By now it was six o'clock. Suddenly the door opened and I jumped in my seat. Angels doctor walked in holding a clipboard.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Horan" He said kindly.

"Hello" I said.

"I have the test results for Angel" He said glancing at my daughter.

"Okay can we hear them?" Sandra asked.

"Of course, Angel now needs to be watched more closely, so she should always have someone with her, um well there should be no yelling or raising of voices directed at her, that will cause her heart rate to increase, really just don't increase her heart rate or next time more extreme damage can happen" He said.

"What damage was done?" I asked.

"Her brain took some damage that affected her heart, so now the cancer has spread up into her right lung, blocking some air flow" He said.

"Oh, will this affect her-her time?" Sandra asked with tears threatening to fall.

"Right now were not quite sure" He said.

"Okay thank you doctor" I said.

"Okay as soon as she wakes up you can check out" He said then left the room.

Sandra now had tears running down her face. I rubbed soothing circles on her back.

"Shh, it's okay Honey, our daughter is a fighter" I said.

"I know, I just don't want to see her go through this" She said.

"I know, I don't either but we will be there with her through it all" I said.

"I know" She said.

The door then opened again. I looked up and saw a different doctor.

"Sorry for interrupting but we just got another test result, your daughter will now feel some pain at random times of the day because of the pressure against the heart. So we are giving you these painkillers, she must take two when she feels the pain, and make sure she takes them right away or the pain will increase" She said.

"Okay thank you" I said.

The doctor left after handing me the big bottle of painkillers.

"Oh John, now she's going to be in pain everyday, what are we going to do?" She sobbed into my shoulder.

"I don't know Sandra, I just don't know" I whispered.

We sat there in the hospital room waiting for her to wake up. It was now 12:00 am. Sandra had bags under her eyes and I bet I did too.

Sandra suddenly got up and moved her chair next to Angels bed and held her hand.

"Angel? Sweetie, you need to wake up soon so we can take you home. If you can hear me I need you to squeeze my hand, please" She whispered.

I heard some movement, then Sandra gasping.

"John! John! She just moved her hand!" She said excitedly.

I stood up and came over to her side looking down at Angel.

Angel then opened her eyes but closed them shut tightly, she opened them again and blinked a couple times.

"Mum? Dad? Where am I?" She asked.

"Oh sweetie your in the hospital, you passed out" Sandra said.

"Oh okay, did the doctors say I was okay?" She asked, worriedly.

"Yes they said you were okay but, through the day you would feel some pain at a random time, so you need to take some painkillers right away when you feel it" I said.

"Oh, okay, will it we really bad pain?" She asked.

"They didn't say" I said.

"Can we go home now?" She asked.

"Yup" Sandra said smiling.

"Yes! I don't have to stay in a hospital" She said cheering.

Sandra and I both laughed at her excitement. Angel started getting up, she swung her legs over the side of the bed. She placed her feet on the ground and stood up but fell back down on the bed.

"Princess! Are you okay?" I asked rushing over.

"Yeah, my legs are just to tired to stand" She said.

"Okay I'll carry you" I said picking her up.

We then all walked out of the hospital room and down to the lobby (Not sure if hospitals have lobby's but oh we'll that's what I'm calling it) We checked out and went to the car. I sat Angel down in the back seat while Sandra and I sat in the front. I started the car and we drove home.

I know this is short but I will update again today.





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