part three

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"WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?" Rachel angrily spat at Troye in the hallway the next day. A look of realization crossed Troye's face as he bit his lip. 

"Oh SHIT! I'm sorry-"

"I waited in the school parking lot for 20 whole minutes for you!"

"I'm sorry Rachel I totally forgot-"

"DON'T worry, I went downtown and handed out flyers BY MYSELF. Without you," she sassed. 

"I'mreallysorry I-I must've put the wrong date in my phone-" Troye tried while picking up his phone for emphasis. He almost let it slip that he was busy losing his virginity to Jacob Bixenman in his own bed, but thankfully Rachel interrupted him before he could panic too much. 

"What's wrong with you Troye? The kickstarter deadline is a week away and I feel like you're just like a thousand miles away! You haven't made any new videos or contributions to the blog in like...forever."

"Well I just- uh- I've been busy," Troye said nervously as he played with the zipper on his sweatshirt. 

"Busy with what?"

"Just- just with a lot- different stuff! How much left do we have to raise?" Troye asked. 

"Oh not much. Just- $17,000!" Rachel pointed. 

"Well I'm sure we'll get there!" Troye said optimistically. "We just need to keep people engaged!" He said as he began to walk away, not having the mental energy to deal with Rachel right now. 

"Exactly! Which is why I'm putting the emails between you and Connor online," Rachel called after him. And Troye froze in his tracks. That couldn't happen. His private fake emails were for him and Connor's family only. Who knows what could happen if they were broadcasted to the whole world. He turned around and faced Rachel again. 

"Wh-what do you mean?" 

"Mrs. Bixenman sent them to me. She says there are a ton more too! That you like show her new ones like every week!" Rachel exclaimed, clearly not understanding how big of a deal this was to Troye. 

"Uh- yeah, yeah but those, those emails are private-"

"Well not anymore! That's the point. They belong to everyone now. The more private they are- the better. That's what people want to see. We have a responsibility to our community to show them everything! To tell them the truth," Rachel finished.

"Community?" Troye asked puzzled, but Rachel continued on. 

"I'm sending you a list of questions to answer. Because some of the emails don't make sense," she explained. Troye's face froze and he really genuinely thought he was going to explode right then and there. 


"Well for example you've been telling everyone that the first time you ever went to the orchard was when you broke your arm. But in the emails you guys talk about going there since last November," Rachel explained. 

"Well those are just- those are probably just typos okay," Troye said quickly. "Okay? and just- it sounds like you're reading into them way too much!"

"Oh well don't worry you can explain it all when I send you the questions! I mean, the community DOES love hearing from you!" She said before skipping away down the hallway. Troye took a deep breath and brought his hands to his temples as he headed to his business class. He didn't know how much more of this he could take. 

It was later that day when he walked into the computer lab during lunch when he met up with Jed again- who was doing who knows what on the administrative computer. Troye sat down next to him and sighed. He was still sad and stressed from earlier and didn't feel up for much of a conversation. Jed didn't seem to pick up on that though and when he noticed his presence, wheeled his chair closer to him. 

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