I'm so sorry

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Hey guys!
I want to apologize for not uploading.. I'm having a big ass writers block

I found an amazing collab channel named Our World Away on YouTube! They're such 5 amazing people!

Maybe you know them maybe you don't..

I'm thinking of making a story about Alex and Johnnie?

But I'll try to still upload imagines on this story!
Let me know about who I should make an imagine! It can be everyone if he/she is a character in Teen Wolf of course :P

I'm also thinking about making a Liam Dunbar fan fic!

Please let me know if I should make a Alex X Johnnie fanfic (teen wolf related (sorry I can't let teen wolf go XD)) or a Liam Dunbar fanfic

Let me know what you think!

I love you guys!

Life's a bitch
Don't quit

Stay Strong
Stay Beautiful
Stay You
Because I Love You


Xx Marsja

Teen Wolf Imagines🌟[ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now