Meeting you again

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A gush of cold air washed my face,
New excitement was building in me,
I couldn't wait to see your face.
It was making my heart race.

I heard your voice after many days,
So clear, so real,
so beautiful, so pure,
Step by step I walked closer to you,
But of course you didn't knew.

The moment out eyes met
I went speechless,
My heart was beating fast
I wanted this moment to last
Oh how much I missed those beautiful eyes of yours
I ran into your arms and hugged you tight.
Everything was just quiet
I stayed there taking in the beautiful feeling of being in your embrace
Once again you made my heart bloom like those flowers on a beautiful day after a gloom.

That's all about the day when I met you Again.

I hope you liked it! Thanks for the support Loves💓💓💓😘😘😘😘

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