Chapter .3.

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Why was it so quiet? Ion know. I sat at the big glass table where Maggie sat and chatted with Jacqualine. Our new neighbor. Galaxy sat on my right, Kyle was on my left, Celine sat at the far end and in front of me was the boy. Mateo.

Who looked to be about 5'9.

He was lighskin. A carmel complexion.

Light brown eyes that had a soft glow.

He was gorgeous. I'm not even gon' lie.

He looked at me. Like he was searching me like I had a weapon on me or something.

I lowkey give him a side look that basically reads: "Nigga why the fuck you looking at me like that?" But then I resumed to my normal blank facial expression as he slowly tore his eyes off of me and onto his mother.

"Mateo can you talk with the rest of the family? Ya'll are being so quiet."
Jacqualine chuckled.

He shrugged and looked at me once again.

He then reached back and took off the mask he had on.

"My name is Mateo. I'm into music, art, marcial arts, ecetera. My mama and I just moved down here from Michigan. I dislike people. And I hate attention." He uttered across the table, sending a wave of shock past his mother.

"Oh.." Maggie said with a frown of disappointment on her face.

"Meeeee." Celine said laughing.

"My turn! So what's up guys? I'm Kyle and I like clothes and cars and shoes. Not to mention I love to study about frogs. I know it's strange but, frogs are intresting and very unique." Kyle said, purposely trying to sound stupid.

I rolled my eyes and put my head down on the table. I just want to go back to the house.

"Okay, he's weird. My name is Celine, I'm sixteen. A cheerleader! And I love dancing and gymnastics. I got a boyfriend by the way, don't believe what my family says because I do have one." She rolled her eyes, but then smiled once she realized Mateo was looking at her.

After her went Michael. Then I guess it was my turn.

"My name is Onyx. This is Galaxy my baby sister. We were taken up by Maggie and her family a couple years ago and from there, she took care of us. I like video games. I know it's not very normal for me maybe because I'm a girl, but I love video games. I'm taking computer literacy so I can learn how to create my own game and hopefully make lots of money, having my own successful business. I also enjoy music as well and that's pretty much it." I say shrugging.

"You all have some good talents. Cheerleader, gamer, uh...frog..person, and dancing! Ya'll are really blessed." Jacqualine smiled at everyone at the table.

"Yeah. This is my big happy family. I love them all." Maggie beamed.

"I can tell. Can we try some of these cookies?" Jacqualine said, breaking the strange silence between the table.

"Yes my cookies are the best! The kids always say they love it. Right kids?" Maggie asked, unraveling the basket, revealing the cookies.

I coughed and cleared my throat as a sign that I wasn't gonna say shit cuz her feelings might get hurt. We only tell her that her cookies are good to make her feel better. Otherwise she would flip out and have a tantrum. She gets crazy when it comes to her cooking. If you say you dislike her food. You'd be dead. Trust me. She's a phsyco.

So we always have to tell her she is a good cook.

It all started when she was a kid. Her father would rape her, beat her, and sometimes he would drug her to make her do certain things for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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