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Chrysalis's POV
The smell of smoke disturbed my deep slumber... or coma? Whatever it was. All of my fellow changelings... gone. Dead. Wasted. The extinction of my race was not far off now, with only a few changelings left... and myself. A single tear fell to the ground, softening the dry earth I laid against.

Sombra's POV
     Darkness. That's all I could see. I did hear whispering through all of the darkness. "Save us!". It said. "Help us!". It continued. As I began to awaken, I returned to my solid form. Though... I could barely stand. I fell to the ground, yet I didn't give up. I began to crawl, with my hooves helping me move forward. Once I had enough strength to stand( which took hours after I had gotten out of the Crystal Empire), I realized my horn was gone! I couldn't do anything but turned into animals made of shadow. So, that's what I did. I turned into a cat and ran off. Hopefully I can find a place to stay... for now at least.

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