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Finally I am going to New York. I've had this dream ever since I was a kid. Of course, I could only afford to go for a couple of days but at least it's happening. Making sure I have the last of my things packed I impatiently wait for the cab to the airport. Eventually it arrives and I climb in ready for my amazing trip to begin. What would New York have in store for me? Honestly I have no idea but I know that it must be good. 

<time-skip brought to you by an overly chatty cab driver>

After what seems like an eternity I arrive at the airport. Hastily I make my way to the check-in desk. Once I have finished there, members of assistance grill me about my chair luckily I have travelled so much that I know the answers by heart. After that it's time to go to airport security. Being patted down is never fun however I understand why they do it. At long last it is time to actually board the plane. Members of passenger assistance help me into the aisle chair and onto my seat and then all that's left to do is enjoy the flight.

<Time-skip brought to you by a long flight to New York>

Waiting, that's all travelling seems to consist of. Even when the plane has landed I still have to wait until everyone else has left the plane before assistance can get me off. Nevertheless, not even that could dampen my spirits today as when I left this airport I would officially be in New York. One of the few perks about being a wheelchair user is that even though I have to wait to get off the plane I get to skip the queues at passport control so ultimately end up getting out before everyone else anyway so it's best to just try and remain positive.

<time-skip brought to you by plane seats and a passport check>

Breathing in the fresh air I still can't believe that I am here. New York. Even though I know it sounds cliche I believe that dreams can genuinely come true here. According to google maps, my hotel isn't too far away so I decide to try and find it myself. As I make my way through the crowded streets I discover that when it comes to annoying remarks New York is just like the rest of the world. As always everybody seems to have to tell me how much of an inspiration I am merely due to the fact that I happen to be a wheelchair user who is outside. Sometimes I wish that certain members of the human race would shut up. Of course I would never say that out loud, I am far too shy to do that. In reality I just give them a half smile. I hate confrontation. When I finally find the hotel, I shower, get changed into my formal clothes and apply some light makeup. Tonight's plan: sight see, get dinner, see a show and sleep. Leaving the hotel I am ready for an amazing evening.

Once I have gone through the lobby and am outside however I realise that this is not going to happen. In front of me is a panicked crowd. Curiosity is often presented as a bad thing; after all it is what killed the cat. However cats have nine lives. Bearing all this in mind I cautiously approach the crowd. As soon as I realise what is happening I instantly regret my decision. Standing addressing the crowd is an extremely intimidating man with obviously malicious intentions. Of course the natural reaction to this situation is terror but for some reason that wasn't the only emotion I felt. In the back of my mind the same phrase was repeating:
He's really attractive.
Slowly I individually analyse every single one of his features, his pale skin, the long raven hair that frames his face. One feature stands out more than anything else though. Those piercing blue eyes filled with ambition.
These irrational and pointless thoughts won't shut up and completely block out what he is saying until he yells out his first demand:
Even if I wanted to I could not obey him. The only way that I could kneel is if someone physically helped me out of my chair and held me up. Of course no one will do that here as everyone is following the order themselves. Sticking out is normally an annoyance that I can deal with, but right now, I feel like it could be the cause of my death. Desperately keep my head down, try to avoid eye contact with this man and hide in the crowd. Though I know that this is all to no use when I feel a daunting presence beside me.
'You!' He yells in an aggressive tone 'Let me see your face!'
Upon hearing these words I slowly lift my head, making sure that I do not look into his eyes. Once I have done this he smirks and removes some hair from my face. There's virtually no distance between the two of us now, I feel like he is reading my mind.
'What's your name mortal?' he's no longer yelling, instead he is speaking in a low voice somehow this is worse though as he has a terrible look in his eyes. The look that a predator possesses before killing his prey. Although I know that telling him is the only way to possibly save my life, for some reason no words come out.
'I asked you a question! Do not ignore me!'
Timidly I mutter:
'(Y/N) (L/N), m-m-my n-name is (Y/N) (L/N).'
Smirking, the mysterious man seems to repeatedly mutter my name under his breath as if experimenting with it. Suddenly I see a glint in his eye. Next thing I know, he is carrying me bridal style. Everything fades away. Darkness.

~Loki's POV~
Everything was going to plan. Thousands of pathetic midgardians about to kneel down to me. Their true king. All I need to do is say the word.
'Kneel!' I command.
They obey. As I continue to rule them, I notice something. One midgardian is not on her knees. She's hiding her face. Upon further inspection I notice that she clearly cannot walk. I still have to show her how powerful I am. This will be fun. Making my way through the crowd I begin to plan exactly what I will do to show her that she is my subject. Once I am beside her, I give my first order: 'You! Let me see your face!'
When she looks up the first thing I notice are her eyes, they are a clear (E/C) but I can see tears forming on the surface. She obviously does fear me. Her hair is (H/C) and falling onto her face obstructing my view of the rest of her features, I remove it and smirk, hopefully she's intimidated by this. Of course I also take the opportunity to read her mind; the temptation is too strong. I am taken aback by I discover. Under layers of fear she seems to find me attractive. After a while I decide that it's time to engage with her. As a ruler of course.
'What's your name mortal?'
Infuriatingly she doesn't respond immediately. My patience is quickly wearing thin causing me to snap.
'I asked you a question! Do not ignore me!'
Quietly she finally replies quaking with fear.
'(Y/N) (L/N), m-m-my n-name is (Y/N) (L/N).'
Just then a wicked plot comes to mind. She'd probably be easy to manipulate. How would my brother react if he found out that I had abducted a vulnerable midgardian girl? Could I use her to insure that I take my rightful position as ruler of the nine realms?

Unable to kneel (Loki x Wheelchair User! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now