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Hey, sorry this took so long but I really hope you're enjoying the story. I hope to start updating more frequently in the near future but life keeps getting in the way so sorry about that. I really hope you enjoy this chapter, please keep voting and commenting, your feedback is important. With that I will once again thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the chapter.

Hours have passed since Loki stormed out and I'm freaking out. What's he gonna do to me? I should've just stayed quiet but I just had to push my luck. Why didn't I just keep quiet? Now I've gone and pissed off my kidnapper who just so happens to be a proven god! From now on I will remain quiet and duteous in order to survive here. If I serve him he has no reason to lash out. This may not stop him from hurting me but hopefully, he'll be less likely to if he believes that I am his ally. After all, he has rewarded me for being obedient in the past. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about being treated like his pet, however, sometimes keeping quiet is the easiest way to survive. Especially, when you can't physically fight. In all honesty, I still don't know what he wants from me, I'm not asking again though, that was what caused him to flip in the first place. The sooner he trusts me the sooner he'll tell me. All I can do is hope that whatever it is doesn't involve me causing any harm to anyone as I would never take it that far. But I'll do whatever else is required of me, I will play nice, I will please him. Doing anything else would be a death sentence. My only obstacle is the fact that he can read minds. How am I meant to pull off my plan if he can know my every thought if he wants to? Unfortunately, there is only one solution, I'm going to have to retrain my brain to view this place in a positive light. Of course, I know that this could lead to Stockholm syndrome but frankly, that's a risk I have to take. Like I said before, the only way for me to survive in this place is to serve him as he wishes. Somebody will save me eventually, I know they will and I just need to make sure that I live to see their arrival. In the silence, I suddenly hear the sound of faint footsteps he's coming back. Instantly, I begin to think of everything I could like about him. His beautiful eyes, his long raven hair, his sexy and slow voice, the brief moments of kindness, slowly I build these thoughts in my head desperately blocking out anything even remotely negative. Once he enters I pretend I've just noticed him and instantly call out
"My king"
After our last encounter, I have learned the consequences of ignoring him and don't want to face them again, I also bow my head to show the utmost respect. Upon seeing this, he smirks, I'd forgotten how sexy his smirk was.
"I'm glad you're learning your place"
Not knowing what else to do, I simply smile. Deep down, I still want to know why he brought me here but now I know better than to ask. He'll tell me when he's ready.
"Correct" he comments.
Nervous waves fill my body, he heard me, what if he disapproves of that thought. It's clear he knows exactly what he is going to do to me, he's probably been planning it from the moment he left. All I can do is hope it's nothing too bad. First of all, he picks me up, dropping me on the floor in order to tower above me.
"You may not be able to kneel but you can still grovel at my feet. Pledge loyalty to me you mewling quim. Pledge loyalty to me or I may decide that you are not as valuable an asset as I first thought."
This whole speech is said in his usual threatening manner and I know exactly what will happen to me if he decides that I am 'not as valuable an asset as he once thought'. Even though I'm desperately trying to hold them back, my eyes are still pricked with tears.
"My king, I pledge complete loyalty to you. I do not deserve it but please spare me. I meant no disrespect, please grant me mercy. I will serve only you, and I promise that I will never again question your authority. If I could I would be kneeling before you". To my relief, he seems satisfied. What he does next fills me with a strange combination of extreme shock and relief. Loki plucks me from the floor, sits on the couch and places me on his lap; his eyes have softened now if I didn't know any better I'd say they looked kind. What could this mean?
Stroking my hair, he speaks in a soft and almost comforting tone. Hot tears flood down my face, suddenly, I stop fighting against them.
"Calm down now, don't worry it's over now. I'm glad you're finally learning to trust my decisions, I will tell you your purpose here when the time is right, you don't need to think about it. You don't need to worry about it."
While he says this he appears to be staring straight into my soul, his beautiful eyes into looking directly into mine. No one has ever looked me in the eye like that.
"Read it aloud" he states, nonchalantly passing me the first (F/B/S) book. Instantly, I do as I'm told it's a strange request but questioning him is pointless, especially over this considering I usually love reading (F/B/S) so I simply do as I'm told. At first, I am almost whispering but slowly I muster up the confidence to read at a normal volume, all the while, he is still softly stroking my hair. As I'm reading I once again feel his eyes on me, this time however he is listening to every word. Like before, this makes it hard to concentrate, however, I keep pushing through, after all, I do not want to disappoint my captor again for fear of my life. Eventually, he is satisfied and takes the book from me.
"Sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

~Loki's POV~
How dare she?! Just as I thought she was learning the natural order here! This is outrageous! She will regret this; I guarantee it! Nobody can disrespect me like that and get away with it! I will punish her for this! When I'm finished with her she'll wish I'd had the mercy to kill her! Smiling, I begin to plan,my smile growing as it develops, she will regret everything she's done. Let the games begin. As soon as I renter the room her fear is extremely apparent.
"My king" her timid voice acknowledges my presence.
Finally, I'm glad she's beginning to get the message. Of course, my plan will still take place, she still needs to know that she can't get away with repeating such actions. When I turn to look at her, I notice she has also bowed her head so decide there's no harm in giving her a minimal amount of praise.
"I'm glad you're learning your place"
She smiles. Reading her mind, I see that she is still wondering why she is here, she debates asking me, however, decides against it because it's best to let me tell her when I'm ready. Even though her behaviour is obviously improving she shouldn't even consider asking, proving to me that the punishment is still necessary. My response to reading such a thought is to simply mutter.
As intended this comment strikes her with fear. Time to put my plan into action. Filled with rage, I throw her onto the floor; I then take on the demeanour which I use when asserting my leadership in front of large crowds and declare:
"You may not be able to kneel but you can still grovel at my feet. Pledge loyalty to me you mewling quim. Pledge loyalty to me or I may decide that you are not as valuable an asset as I first thought."
Looking down at her, I see she's crying. Something within me is different. Suddenly I no longer care about putting her in her place. For some reason, I want her to stop crying. Upon hearing her response, I feel an unpleasant emotion which I can't recall ever feeling before.
"My king, I pledge complete loyalty to you. I do not deserve it but please spare me. I meant no disrespect, please grant me mercy. I will serve only you, and I promise that I will never again question your authority. If I could I would be kneeling before you". Originally I planned to read her mind and punish her further for lying to me, however, now something has definitely changed. Before I know what I am doing, she is resting on my knee, shaking and crying. Now I'm comforting her. Why am I doing this?! Seem as I no longer want to continue the punishment, I decide to both take her mind off of the ordeal and to find out more about something that I am genuinely curious about. I pass her the book she was reading earlier and tell her to read it aloud. Gently stroking her hair, I listen to her read for several hours, something about it feels right. Realising how late it's getting, I eventually take the book for her hand and say:
"Sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

Unable to kneel (Loki x Wheelchair User! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now