Chapter 1

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Mike laid on Will's bed starring up at the ceiling as Will cluttered around, throwing some things into his suitcase but most into bins  for donation. His room eerily bare.

"Mike I thought you said you were coming to help."  

"I was, but then I realized I don't want you to go so I cant help."

Will chuckled and Mike sat up so that he could see the smile that tugged at his friends lips.

Will came over placing another shirt in his suitcase and Mike pulled it out. Will paused and starred at him for a moment before putting it back in, only for Mike to pull it out a second later.



"You're ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous."

Will sighed and went back to his dresser pulling out a couple of sketchbooks, placing them in his suitcase as well.

"I didn't know you had more than one sketchbook."

Will shrugged and Mike picked one of them up curiously. "I only ever brought one to school. I used the others for drawings I didn't want others to look at."

"Can I look?"

"Sure... just not the one with the Yoda sticker on it."

"What? Why? Now I just wanna look more!"

"Too bad! ...please don't."

"Man, you've sure gotten tougher over the years Byers."

"Hey!" Will giggled, Mike grinned his way.

Mike them proceeded to dump the entire suitcase on the floor, making sure to have removed the sketchbooks so he wouldn't cause any damage.

"Mike! C'mon! I have to be ready to leave by five am if I wanna get there in time!"

"Do you really...?" Mike asked, the teasing voice he'd been using earlier gone. A sad and serious tone taking it's place.

"Mike..." Will's voice was quiet as he walked over to his friend. Standing in front of  Mike but still not much taller than the sitting boy. Will hadn't grown an inch since grade 9, leaving him at 5'4. Meanwhile Mike had gone through many growth spurts, landing him at 6'' He found Will's height endearing.  "I have to do this. It's been my dream since-"

"Elementary. I know."

It was quiet for a moment before Mike picked up an article of clothing he'd dumped on the floor and handed it to Will. A shaky smirk on his face.

"So... Art school huh? Heard only the best of the best get in."

Will gave Mike a soft smile and took the clothing from him, their hands lightly brushing." 

"I'm gonna miss you Mike."

Mike swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I'm gonna miss you too Will."

"But- But it's not like we're never gonna see each other again; I'll come visit whenever I can and I'll call you all the time. "

"I know." Mike murmured, pulling Will closer. "I know."

Will sat next to Mike on the bed, resting his head on Mike's shoulder.

"I thought you had to pack?"

"I do. It can wait."

Mike smiled slightly and buried his his face into Will's hair.


Saying goodbye to everyone had been hard, but Will's leaves Mike with a heavy weight in his heart that he had never felt with the others.

The first who had headed off was Dustin, his excited and hyper nature making it hard to remember that he was going to a fancy tech school ten hours away from Hawkins.

Next had been Lucas and Max. Their university was only an hour away, where Lucas was taking a science degree hoping to major in physics. Max going into the justice system. Although it was close they still decided to live on res, Max wanting to get away from her toxic family and Lucas of course followed after her.

Mike had never been close to Max but they had become friends. It was hard to say goodbye to Lucas. They'd been neighbours for years and now every time he saw the Sinclair house it would feel strange. 

And now, last to go was Will. The only people left to wish him goodbye being Mike and Eleven.

Joyce was a sobbing mess, scared to let Will go off on his own yet proud. So, so proud. Jonathan had left two days earlier to get there in time to still have a day of relaxing before classes started, not being there to see Will off. Will acted like it wasn't a big deal but Mike could tell that Will had really wanted Jonathan here for this.

Will and Eleven hugged, their goodbyes fairly quick but still sweet and Mike wondered how Eleven wasn't in tears at the prospect of Will Byers leaving.

Finally it was Mike's turn and he fought to keep his tears in check for Will's sake.

"Have fun Will."

"I will." He replied with a small smile.

"Don't forget me when you get to that big fancy art school." Mike said, going for joking but just sounding sad.

Will took Mike's hand and squeezed his fingers. "Of course I wont."

Mike sniffled but managed to put a smile on his face. He threw a shoulder over Will and led him to his packed and ready vehicle.

Once Will was in the car he hesitated before starting it, turning to towards Mike. 

"Mike, I'm scared..."

Mike wanted to reply with 'I'm scared too, I'm scared you'll forget me, I'm scared you'll love it and never come back.' But instead he took a deep breath, stepping up in his friends time of need. Lord only knows how many times Will had done the same for him and the rest of the party.

"Don't be. You're gonna knock em dead Byers. Next time I see you you'll be like the schools next Michaelangelo."

"You only know he's an artist because of the ninja turtles, don't you?"

"Yeah." Mike said with a grin.

Will snorted and shook his head fondly. "I'll call you as soon as I get there."

"You'd better! No calling anyone else first, not even your mum!"

"Hey!" Joyce called out, having heard the comment.

Will gave Mike another smile, eyes soft and sending a warm feeling through Mike's being. "Bye Mike."

"See ya Will."


AN: And there's chapter one! Hopefully you enjoyed it<3 I'm hoping to post a new chapter once a week but I'm terrible at staying on schedule, so please forgive me if the next one is late! I ALWAYS appreciate constructive criticism :) If you enjoyed it maybe leave a like or a comment? I wanna know what sorta stuff you guys like as well for writing future chapters too! Thanks for reading and have a nice day! 


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