The Beginning

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"Yeeeeeeee , 4 girls and they are so beautiful and amazingly cute, what was I thinking when I wanted this pregnancy aborted surely I would have regretted it ." I sat there for hours reading my dad's journal entry for the day I was born, I'm sure I read it for about a hundred times and still couldn't understand it, why would he have wanted to kill me? Kill us? , would mom have done it?, wait a minute ........ Maybe she actually did try to get rid of us, was it to save her marriage? All the love they were showering us with, was it all an act? ....these questions tormented me for weeks and although I tried as much as possible to push it out of my mind and focus on school, I just couldn't and i was beginning to regret opening my dad's journal, something had told me not to but being the stubborn jerk that I am, I didn't listen now I'm been tormented when I should have just left the damn book closed, my life.
I think dad doesn't care about us but he tells us he loves us like every day, maybe I should just ask him about it

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