Chapter 4

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  Hi dairy, my name is Zelda Smith,I'm a fashion designer , I have 3 sisters and we turned 20 two months ago and a day after that my parents dropped the bomb that one of us will have to marry his business partner's son and seeing the way mum has been  very interested in my love life it seems I am the chosen one. There is a loud knock on my door which brings me out of my bubble, looking at the wall clock opposite my bed "oh shit, I've been lying here for 3 freaking hours writing on how my life sucks" the knocking continues and I can no longer stand it " I'm coming, stop banging on the door " opening the door I find my mum yeah mum, what's up?  She glared at me, muuuuum, shut up just shut it Zel, when did you sneak back into the house cause I waited for you all night, after like five minutes of silence she continued "I wanted to talk to you so at some point you'll have to let me in, you know ". I'm sorry, come in and I'm sorry I came back late last night, my last meeting ran a bit late so I and the girls had to go get a bit tipsy, plus I was the designated driver so I had to drop everyone off safely before heading home and...... " alright alright you're forgiven, so I wanted to talk to you about him, have you even called or texted him.......... Mum if by him you mean Jayden Williams  no I haven't, like why does it have to be me?  why can't it be Jas she is prettier and and more of his type. She just kept staring at me "mum are you even listening to me at all " no baby I wasn't, I was imagining how cute your babies would look.. You know he is so handsome and you being so beautiful,  rolling my eyes I spoke up "mum this boy is an asshole,he doesn't care about anyone but himself and his money, he is mean" but Zelda you guys only met when you were kids you can't judge him by that Ok ok just meet him this weekend and if you don't like him then we'll find another way out of this situation OK dear..  Yes ma'am but what's happening this weekend... Oh it's the premiere of the movie, dinner party on Friday, the seeing of the movie on Saturday and beach party on Sunday, so we'll be heading to the destination tomorrow, "no no no no mum I can't come tomorrow I have to deliver some dresses and get mine done for the event so maybe I'll be there Friday just leave me the address and I'll be there "  alright baby I'll plan something for you. Have an amazing day dear and I want you to be at this restaurant by 8pm dress up nicely OK  "OK mum, I'll be there" and with that she was gone. Just when I wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet my phone started ringing, picking it up quickly seeing it's my assistant, "hey Rosie, what!!" looking at the clock "I'll be there in 20" with that I hung up and sprinted towards the door.

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