✨Chapter 4✨

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"Don't ruin a new day by thinking about yesterday.Let it go."

- Kim Taehyung



Finally, we arrived at the amusement park.We were playing around while waiting for Namjoon and Jin as they went to buy ticket for us.

The amusement park is so big that you can get lost.It have many type of rides and of course the ferris wheel which people found it beautiful when the lights opened at night.

Na Reen was standing quietly behind Taehyung and other member.She watched as Jimin and Jungkook argued about who will pay for cotton candy.Like seriously..this two person can be so childish.

Not only that.She was thinking about yesterday too..


Her father got home drunk in the midnight.Mrs.Choi,her mom woke up and greeted her husband.Mr.Choi who was drunk became wild as he threw the vase which on the table direct to his wife.The vase broke into piece.

The sound of the broken vase heard by Na Reen.She woke up immediately and got out from her room.Running as fast as she could.

She saw her mom yelling to the husband who was now pulling Mrs.Choi hair tightly.As it happened,Mrs.Choi stepped on the broken piece of vase.

"Eomma!!!"Na Reen yelled.

She nearly want to cry but she hold her tears.

She went to her parents and pull her father hand off from her mom..and...

She did it!

"Yah!Why did you defend this b*tch?!She can't give you money to you.She never give her money in this family.I'm the one who give you and your siblings the money.So what is the use to defense her?!"Mr.Choi shouted.

"You're wrong!Eomma always give her money to you when you want to buy the drugs and cigarettes.If she didn't give it,you will beat her to death. Do you even care about us who afraid of you when you're angry?No!You never notice us."Na Reen answered while tried to calm her mom.

"Tch..Now you want to be like her too."

Mr.Choi went to Na Reen and pull her hair.

"Listen here little kid,you just a 18 years old girl who know nothing in this matter.So I warning you to step away from this matter or you will get it from me.Arasseo?!"

He let go of her hair and went in his bedroom.

Na Reen..still holding her tears from falling out of her eyes.She can't let her tears fell.Not in front of her mom especially her siblings.Never.

She went to direction of her mom and embraced her tightly.She looked at her mother's leg which were bleeding badly.

"E-eomma..Your legs are bleeding let me take care of it."

Without waiting for her mom's answer.She went to the kitchen and took out the first aid kit.She brought it to her mom.

She treated the wound gently and bandaged it perfectly.

"Aigoo~Looks like my daughter will be a good doctor in the future."Mrs.Choi smiled although Na Reen know her mom was faking it to make her not worry.

Na Reen helped her mom went to guest room.Yes,guest room always the place when Mrs.Choi got beat.Na Reen always asked her mom to sleep in her room instead of guest room but Mrs.Choi refused.

After put her mom in bed,she asked her mom if she need anything and her mom said no.Na Reen waited for a while to make sure that her mom fell asleep.After conforming that her mom sleep,she kissed her mom's forehead before went out from the guest room.

While walking to her bedroom,she peeked into her siblings room.She afraid that her siblings shocked after hearing the argument. Luckily, they were asleep calmly.

She continued her walk to her bedroom.Closing the door,she leans against the door and starts spacing out.

After a few dropped of her tears on her cheeks,she dried her tears with her long sleeve and washed her face.She fell asleep after that.

~End of flashback

"Why should I pay for it?"Jungkook said.

"It's because you buy in the biggest size and it's expensive."Jimin said.

"But,I'm the maknae and you are older than me.So you should pay for it."Jungkook answered back as he didn't want to lose.

"Aigoo..this two will never stop arguing."J-Hope said.

Kim Taehyung who just watching them took a glance at Na Reen.

'Eo?Why she looks so quite and sad?'Kim Taehyung thought.

"Hey Na Reen-ssi. Are you okay?"Taehyung asked.

"E-eo?Nae.I'm okay.W-why are you asking?"Na Reen said.

"You know that you can tell us your problem.We will help you.I will also hear your problem."

"Ani..it's only a little problem from yesterday.Nothing else.Don't worry."She smiled.

"Yah,Na Reen-ssi"Taehyung called.


"Don't ruin a new day by thinking about yesterday. Let it go."

Na Reen looks confused with his word.

"Aigoo~Suga hyung.Why did you hit our head?"Jimin and Jungkook touch the area where Suga hit just now.

Na Reen and Taehyung looked at Jimin and Jungkook.

"Did you two even have a brain?Just combine your money together and pay for it.It's better than arguing about it in from of crowded people who are passing by us!"

Suga hit them again.

Jin and Namjoon finally came back with the tickets.

"Huaa~Such a long line to get this ticket."Namjoon said.

"Kaja!"Jin said.

All the member went in the amusement park with smile plastered on their face.

"Kaja!"Taehyung pulled Na Reen's hand and walked in the amusement park.

Na Reen still confused and just let Taehyung brought her there.

'Why is he care about me?'Na Reen just let the question inside her mind.

(H)Special One | BTS Kim TaehyungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang