chapter 1

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*i was 12 when i started writing this* Hi my name is jordan.It may sound like a boy name but it is NOT a boy name to me!
Now...let me tell you my story. everything going on with me since my dad left me on father's day weekend.
J=jordan M=her mom
J~hey mom im ready to go is dad picking me up
M~well he can't anymore because his car broke down and can't get it repaired*lie*
J~oh ok then guess ill unpack:(
M~its okay sweetie im sure you can still say happy fathers day on Sunday
J~yeah i guess..
Jordan's POV~
For the next couple of months I hangout with my friends because my dad stopped seeing me. I hadnt really cared what had been going on with my step-dad and my real dad issues lately until  my mom told me and my sister since we could only understand.That.. my step-dad was going to Rehab to get better but we told my sister something else because she's only six and its hard to understand at that age. my mom told me the truth about him.
After my dad left for a week he had   forgot about our electricity bill so we had to stay with my grandma until we payed it.My dad had texted my grandpa a few hours before we knew about the information about read~
D~I got a car and im getting out of rehab (had to change it up a bit)
When i heard about the text and i read it carefully i started having a breakdown about my steo dad but also my real dad who i thought just didnt want to see me anymore.
I hadnt seen my real dad since before fathers day .
*month passes*
A month has past and its labor day weekend.I have to go over to my mom and dad's friends house in independence. I've kinda had this crush on this boy named Jason but,he's a year older than me and i dont know if he like me back.I asked my cousin to comeover there with me so I wouldn't be the only one there with no friends except jason.Me and jason and my cousin brianna hang out for the rest of the night until it was night time.That means its time to watch the fireworks!me and jason were on the porch swing and I told him that I liked him and then we were dating (as you can tell we broke up*cough cough*past tense*)
*skip a couple of weeks*
We have been dating for a few weeks now and I wasn't feeling the connection anymore so we broke up. I felt really bad and I tried fixing it a couple months later but he got mad at me and so did his "new girlfriend" which i did not like.
The next day i went to breakfast with my friend but,i got food stuck in my hair so i left.I had watched him keep eye contact with me tho.
*later on that day*
I was getting ready to change since I just finished my cheerleadong game so when I was taking off my socks *ding* a notification went off from my phone
Do you
I replied back and said nothing
We kept talking really rude to eachother but then we just stopped.we started to talk about being friends, hiw we can't keep talking about eachother, how I didn't deserve him back cause that's what I said.Were friends for now but I dont know if it will last long.

true story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora