Day 19

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"Can we buy that balloon?!"


"You should buy one for you."

"No thanks."

"Come on! C-can't you do it for me?"


"Let's walk down on the road! The sunset was good there!"

We both walked down with a string of balloon tied to our hands.

"Hoseok oppa?"


"Jungmi loves you."


"I really want you to be my brother."


"Because, I can take care of you, and you can take care of me."

"So that's why... Jungmi loves Hoseok oppa, so so much."

I lost my track to the string, the balloon loosely lifting itself up to the sky.


She's a cute little girl who doesn't deserve a liar like me.

"Oh! You lost your balloon. Take mine instead."

A tear couldn't be suppressed anymore, and i was tightly hugging Jungmi, the string fully attached to my hand.

"I was wrong. Oppa was miserably wrong."

"I didn't bring my torn tissues today, so I'll wipe your tears with my hands instead!"

Oppa was wrong.

I was terribly wrong.


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