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A casual, cold winters day was filled with fog throughout the air. At the Dunbar's Liam was shaking Hayleigh out of her bed.
"Hayleigh get up!" He shoutout while she tossed and turned.
"I'm not going to school..." she said while peaking her head out the covers. Liam was taken by great shock to see black mascara stains streaming down Hayleigh's face. He automatically gave her a hug while her eyes filled to the brim with water. She had been dumped, by the boy she dated for 2 years.

Liam had eventually convinced Hayleigh to go to school. She pushed through the doors to be greeted by her bestie, Sophie. All eyes were on her, Brett must have told everyone she thought. She gained her strength and held her head high as all were shocked. She past by Brett and flicked her hair. All the boys made Brett embarrassed, he just got syked by his ex. She got comforted by many but acted as though the situation wasn't bothering her.

Conversation between Liam and Brett
*in the changing room*
Liam:"What the hell dude?! "Pushing Brett to the wall.
Brett:" GET OFF OF ME, your sisters a cow anyways!"
Liam:"You may wanna re-think that sentence,"While punching Brett til his nose starts to bleed. He dramatically collapsed to the floor.

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