What's Wrong With This World. 11/28/17

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I feel like a pon, in this world, something that sit and waits for something to happen or to be replaced.
I love this world that I live in but, I feel empty. In a room filled with people I feel empty.

I have friend I like to talk to and I love them, but sometimes I feel like I can easily be replaced.
For example, they say I'm their best friend in the world, but when I'm gone I'm easily replaced by someone else.
People say that they love you and care about you, but when you're gone, you are replaced and you have a whole different view about them.

Do you ever feel like a pon that just sits and waits for someone else to come and replace, then you have find another place to temporarily replace til someone else comes and replace you again.
I get this feeling all the time and it's sicking.
I just want to find someone who actually loves me for who I am and help me survive in this world of emotions.

Can anyone else relate to this feeling.

My ThoughtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora