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That was embarrassing, to say the very least.

Having some sort of dream about making out with Ronnie. Like, really?

I think I'd prefer the nightmares when Ronnie's there instead of pleasant dreams about him.

Shut up, Veronica! I scolded myself and returned my gaze to the table when I realised I was staring at Ronnie.

"You know what, I'm gonna call you Ronnie." Jacky told me, pouting when I gave up on the chopsticks and stuffed my face with a fork, which was much easier.

"That'll be confusing though!" I whined, pouting back.

"...Baby Ronnie then."

I stared at him with an "are you fucking kidding me?!" face.

"It's either that or Roxy."

My eyes widened and I stared at him pleadingly "No, just not that. I'm begging you. Fine, you can call me Ronnie, just DO NOT call me Roxy. I hate that name."

"Just don't get us mixed up. I'm not a hormonal teenage girl who loves attention." Ronnie said darkly before looking down at his stupid, expensive iPhone.

"Yeah, don't. I'm not a money-centered twenty eight year old manwhore." I snapped, shooting him a Cheshire cat smile, grabbing my food(never forget the food!) and storming upstairs with a few Sushi boxes in my free hand and a plate piled high with Chinese in the other.

"What the fuck was that, Ronald?!" Derek yelled and there was a sound smack.

I didn't bother waiting for his reply and slammed my door. Whatever. Fuck him.

How am I supposed to deal with this douchebag?! One second he's all loving and caring, the next it's like he can't bare my existence.

At least I'm used to the latter. I just can't stand people being hot and cold on me. If you're going to be cold, fine. Just don't mess with my head.

And so I sat on my new bed, feeling miserable and nomming away at the food. It was extremely quiet downstairs, but I didn't mind. I didn't want to hear Ronnie's obnoxious tales. With a growl, I stormed over to the desk on the other side of the room and grabbed a blue sharpie.

Standing up on the mahogany desk, I dragged the pen across the wall. When I was done, I hopped off, making a lot of noise. I stood back and admired my work, shoving the last of my Chinese and opening my first box of Sushi. As childish as it was, I was pleased with this at the time.

"Hi, my name is Ronnie, I have a small dick."
"Hi, Ronnie!"
"Daddy should've warned me about those steroids!"

He didn't really have a small dick.

Well, I wouldn't know. I only know that from all the staring and grabbing Gabriella(a girl from the orphanage who snuck into the Warped tour gig in New York 2011 when she was fifteen did, it was obvious he was pretty big. She had gotten away with saying she was twenty one and sh kinda... Had a one night stand with him.

She got pregnant.

At fifteen.

She was really destroyed and she would cry that she was so stupid, having unprotected sex with a rockstar fresh out of prison. I bumped into her on the street a month or so back, she was with her baby. He looked so much like Ronnie that I didn't doubt for a second that he was Ronnie's.

The things thoughts about Ronnie's dick can lead to. I'd regret the wall graffiti the next day, but at the moment I didn't care.

I gasped and jumped off the bed, shoving the last piece of Sushi in my mouth and running downstairs with the curled up piece of paper in my hand.

"Ron?!" I shrieked, hitting the bassist's arm over and over.

"Yeah sweetie?" He asked.

"Can I PLEASE use your phone?"

"Sure." He grinned, handing me his phone. I smiled gratefully and rushed up to my bedroom, slamming the door shut and dialing the number on the little piece of paper.






Just as I was about to hang up, a breathless "Hello?" and a baby's shriek met my left ear.

"Is this Gabriella?" I asked.

"Yeah. Who is this?"

"It's Veronica."

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