A Plan

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*Rinnah's POV*

When we get to the house everyone is happy to see me. Apparently they were worried sick about me. They all are eager to know what was the matter with me so I gather them all in the living room and tell them a shorter version of my parents death. Throughout the story I shed only a few tears. Grateful that I managed to keep it together. After I finish Rydel gives me a big hug and tells me that she is so sorry and that she is here for me.

Thankfully Stormie isn't upset about me taking her car without asking. She says that she understands how I needed to get out of the house.

After that everybody agrees that I am totally welcome to just stay in Rydel's room the rest of the day, but I know that I need to do something. So we decide on a game night. So the rest of the day is filled with smiles and laughter.

I know that this is what my parents would want me to be doing. They wouldn't want me crying and shutting out the world. They always believed that laughter is the best medicine for sadness.

When we decide to call it a night I get ready for bed with a smile. This is the most amazing family I have ever met. Even though I've only know them a few days I already feel like apart of the family.

Before I go to sleep I decide I need to tell Rydel about how I feel about Ross.

"Rydel can I talk to you?",  I ask sitting on the bed.

She looks up from her phone and immediately understands that it's about to get serious. She lays down her phone and gives all her attention to me.

"Yes, tell me what is troubling your young mind", she says in a dramatic tone.

I can't help but laugh at her statement.

"So today when I was at the beach after I told Ross about my parents he told me that even though he hadn't been through what I had that he's still here for me. And if I ever needed someone to come talk to that I could come to him."

Rydel breaks into a huge grin. I continue before she can say anything.

"That's when I decided that I do like him. He isn't like Zander and he truly cares about me. I know that my past relationship with still cause me to doubt him but I know that I really do like him."

Rydel sits there with a huge smile too stunned to talk.

Finally she exclaims, "I am so happy for you." Unexpectedly she gives me a huge hug.

I laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Thanks Rydel, but I can't breath", I choke out.

"Oh sorry." She releases me from her grasp.

"Do you think he likes me?", I ask suddenly.

I wasn't planning on asking that but the words were already out before I could stop.

Rydel gives me a sly smile.

"Why would you want to know?", she coos.

We both start laughing.

"Rydel", I whine through giggles.

"Fine", she exclaims still laughing.

"I think if anybody saw the way he acts around you they would assume he does. Plus he's flirted with you. You know that." She shoves my shoulder playfully.

I smile and reply, "Yeah I just wanted to make sure I wasn't just day dreaming."

"Nope you weren't."

I fall back on the bed with a smile.

"Ross Lynch likes me." I let out a little laugh. "That sounds so weird."

Rydel starts laughing.


"It's just funny how you act like it's some dream come true."

"Well it sort of is."

"It's ok it's just that he's my brother and all."

I smile.

"So it's weird when girls like you brothers?"

"Yeah a little. I guess I'm mostly used to it. After a few thousand girls I think I finally decide I was going to have to live with it."

"I guess it would be weird."

"Oh right you don't have any siblings", Rydel says suddenly realizing I don't have any. She starts to apologize.

"Don't. It's ok."

"What is it like not having any siblings?"

"Oh you get bored sometimes and wish you had someone to talk to."

"That would be so weird", Rydel  says falling on the bed. "No one to talk to who's your age. Nobody to crack jokes at the dinner table. Or prank you."

She let's out a little laugh. I give her a questioning look.

"You sound like you don't want siblings."

"Oh no. I love my brothers, but they do get on my nerves sometime."

After that we just lay there in silence. I think about what it would be like to trade lives with Rydel. That would be so crazy. Having a bunch of goofball brothers always doing something silly. Touring the world. I can't even wrap my mind around it.

"Well we should get to sleep", Rydel says getting under the covers.

I nod and do the same after I turn out the lights.

"Hey we should have a girls day tomorrow", Rydel says suddenly breaking the silence.

"Yeah that sounds great."

"It's settled then."

I smile as I think of how quickly we decide our plans for tomorrow, but fall asleep anticipating it.

*Ross' POV*

Right before I get in bed an amazing idea pops in my head. I should ask Rinnah if she wants to go on a "date" with me.

Before I even know what's happening I'm walking over to Riker and Rocky's room to see what they think about it.

Quietly I knock and hear a faint come in.

I open the door to find my brothers on their phones.

"Hey Ross. What do you need?", Riker asks looking up from his phone.

"Well I had this idea and wanted to see what you guys thought about it", I reply sitting on his bed.

Rocky is now looking at me with a smirk.

"What's your idea?", Rocky asks.

"Well I like Rinnah."

"Already guessed that", Rocky comments.

"Anyway I was thinking that I could take her on a "date", but tell her it's just an outing. But if she does like me then she can tell me after if it really was a date."

I take a breath and smile at my genius plan.

"So you are going to tell her it's and "outing", but if she does feel like it's a date then afterwards she can tell you?", asks Riker clarify what I just said.

"Yeah. That way I'll find out if she likes me and we get to do something together alone."

"Alone?", smirks Rocky.

I roll my eyes.

"I think that sounds like an awesome plan. But there is still the possibility that she doesn't like you so it doesn't need to be romantic."

I nod . 

"Would dinner on the beach be too romantic?"

"I think it's a good in between", comments Riker.

So then we dive into details of my "outing" with Rinnah. I know this is going to be amazing.


Hey my lovely readers! So what do you think of Ross' plan? Do you think it will work? Let me know what you think! Don't forget to vote and follow me!

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