Chapter 0: The Sunk'n Norwegian

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A/N: This story was made by me last year as part of NaNoWriMo in school (although i never got around to finishing it heh heh...). I figured I might as well publish it, and if you guys want more, please let me know!! I might come back to it if you guys like it. Also, please let me know if you guys have any questions, comments or concerns, any kind of feedback is greatly appreciated! kbye

We had a merry time that evenin'. Me and me pirate crew landed at this good ol' tavern called "The Sunk'n Norwegian" to get a few drinks yet again. We were jabberin' up a mighty storm, singin' and drinkin' rum all night long. We kept drinkin' 'til we were three sheets to the wind and puked our guts out all over the place; then we drank some more! We always ended up crashing at that place whenever we had the chance.

Whenever we weren't out on a mighty quest sailin' the seven seas, we were havin' good time on land; we never really settle down. Me and me band may be tough ol' bunch of pirates when fightin', but when we have the chance to relax, we love a good song or two. As the night went on, we sang one of our favorite songs in name of our favorite tavern. We took one more swig of that famous ol' spiced as us pirates settled down for a chantey.

There lies an ol' tavern down along this way
Where yeh can get drunk any time o' the day
The landlord's a dastard, the barmaid's a bore...

The aforementioned people scoffed and threw some dirty looks in our directions, but we gave them no attention. The mood was too bright and fun for any o' that to happen.

...but give 'em no rubbish or you're straight out the door!

The Sunk'n Norwegian's the name of this hole

A nasty ol' tavern if ever I've known...

Me and me maties all jumped out of our seats as we went in to the next part of the song.

One more drink!
At the Sunk'n Norwegian,
One more drink!
Before we have to die!
One more drink!
At the Sunk'n Norwegian,

All of us filthy sea-dogs grabbed our mugs of booze as we sang the next line in unity.

Raise up your tankards of ale to the sky!

We all laughed a good "yar-har-har" or two and raised our drinks up in the air, the contents of our cups spilling out all over the ground, but that little mess didn't matter; we're pirates! Soon everyone at the tavern was partying hard all night long and having good laughs. It was a mighty grand occasion that night, a night to remember.

Well, that's the was and wasn't of one o' me favorite drinkin' stories. But what happened the day after that fateful night was really the remarkable part o' me tale...  

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