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Jerry came back to his senses upon hearing the ticking of a metal. He opened his eyes and realized that he was inside a cell. Not the brick walled cell. It's much more different than the cell where he was locked up. He got up and felt the tingling pain in his head and touched it to see that someone already mended it. He looked around and saw Maggie lying on the ground next to his cell. He went near her and reached out onto her.

"Maggie, wake up." He called in a hush voice. "Wake up Mags."

Maggie was also injured on her head as well as her shoulder but it was already mended and she was wearing new clothes unlike Jerry.

"Jerry?" Maggie opened her eyes and looked at Jerry. She reached out onto him and held his hand while still lying on the ground. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Maggie smiled at Jerry and tried not to act weak. She can't bare making Jerry worry about her. Jerry nodded and tightly gripped onto Maggie's hands which were pale and cold.

"I'm going to bring you out of here, Mags. Don't worry." Maggie slowly got up and sat beside the wall. Jerry was still holding her hand. She let out a sigh and calmed herself. She'd already lost too much blood and caused her to weaken.

"I'm going to find us a way out of here." Jerry stood up and went to open the door but it was lock. They were really locked up.

"Why would Bryce lock us in here?" Maggie asked. Jerry stopped pounding at the door and looked at Maggie who was staring blankly at the distance.

"I don't know. I don't remember making bad terms with him."

"He should somehow have a reason for making us suffer so much, maybe because we left him, right?" Maggie asked in her indistinct voice.

"Maybe, but he was the one who left us. Remember? April went after him and he just disappeared." It gave Maggie a hard time to think. If Bryce was behind all of these happenings, why would he do this such thing and endanger the whole town. Why would he let them suffer? What has made him turn his back onto us?

She just nodded and stayed still on the ground. Her strength somehow returned but it was still not enough. Maggie looked at Jerry while he was still looking for a way out. "Jerry, stop." She said in a hush tone. Jerry turned to her.

"Stop looking for something that is impossible to find." Jerry approached her and reached out onto her. "You're not giving up now, Mag's. No, you're not."

"We've got no choice, Jer. Maybe we should accept that this is our fate."

"No Maggie, not now. There should be something around here that could help us. So please, don't give up okay?" Maggie's face turned as she heard footsteps. She looked outside the cell and signaled Jerry to check it out. Jerry went near the door and looked through the space between the bars of the cell. The footsteps was owned by the man considered as the number one traitor; Bryce. He stood in front of their cells and looked at them in pity. He didn't utter a word but his face was enough to say that he was up to something. He called some goons from where he came from and told them to get Maggie out of the cell.

"Maggie!" Jerry called out and stared at Bryce furiously.

"Let go of me, jerk!" Maggie tried to fight back but she was not strong enough. Compared to the goons who were holding her, she was only a small stick.

"Where are you bringing me, Bryce?" Maggie gritted her teeth as the goons pulled her out from the cell.

"Oh, we're just going somewhere exciting, so don't you ever worry." Bryce approached Maggie and made her look at him in the eye. He touched her perfect yet pale face.

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