Reception: PV1 Michael

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So the chaplain told me that I should write my feelings and thoughts down in this journal...something about suicide prevention or some shit like that so let's get started.

( June 10 2016) 

My name is Private Harry Scott Michael... the other privates call me "three name" because I have three first names for my full name. We got here on June 6th 2016...D-Day. I should probably say that "here" is Fort Jackson, South Carolina Reception battalion. The Sargeants said that we will be here until the 12th getting all of our paperwork and shots and uniforms and blah blah blah to go to real basic training. I have slept for two days now, my life is a line and when that line ends another one starts up for the next thing. I don't know what the front of the line looks like or the end of the line looks like, I am in the center,  my number is 514 out of 937. I got issued my cammies today, four sets of OCPs and seven sets of socks, seven undershirts, and seven god awful pairs of greenie tighties. We were introduced to wearing our "cover" outdoors but NEVER indoors today, Private Hasburro forgot to take her cover off when she walked into the DFAC and the whole platoon got dropped. Fuckin wook. One more day until we leave for our " ten-week summer camp" as Sargeant Millbrooke calls it. OK, I have to go, Four eyes and tomahawk are fighting over the Packers VS Minnasoda game that was scheduled for yesterday... I wonder who won. GO BEARS!!!!

( June 10 2016)

fuckin preacher said I have to write in this shit because they want to do a study on suicide prevention in BCT but he never said I couldn't swear so ( the words are mysteriously blacked out with a sharpie) and tell your daughter that I could ( again the words are blacked out but you can make out " with an orange" and " Swear to god like an elephant" through the sharpie) My name is Private Honest Maker but my platoon calls me "general" because my great great great granddaddy served with the 174th Couragious rifles of Mississippi in the civil war. Right along with General Lee! When I turned 18 I went to the recruiter's office and said " make me a Soldier" and sure as hell is hot here I am! Fort Jackson Military training installation! I am pumped to start showing these POGs what a good ole boy can do with a rifle. Been shootin since I was able to walk so one of these fancy M-4A1s should be nothin to me. Looks like its lights out, the injun and Canadian are about to handle an argument so I wanna see this!

Cammies: the camo uniforms we are issued

OCPs: another name for the cammies

Cover: our camo hat, you never wear your hat inside and are never outside without it on

Wook: a female service member, also called a wookie or a Charlie Miker ( cock muncher)

BCT: Basic combat training

AIT: advanced individual training

POGs: Persons other than grunt, someone who is not in the Infantry or a combat-related job

M-4A1: our rifle, the standard issue service rifle of the US Army

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