Week one BCT Fort Jackson

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Its three name again... today was our first day of basic training. Our until is the 8-34th Infantry " The Law" Second Platoon "Templars". We met our Drill sergeants this morning, honestly, they aren't human. My SDS is a mean sumbitch named Skrall, everyone calls him skull he is an airborne ranger, they are called Darts because they speed towards the ground like a dart at a dartboard. In my squad I have four eyes, a tall pale guy from Minnesota, he seems like a nice enough guy but don't insult the Vikings in front of him...things get nasty...  I also have Tomahawk, a real live Indian from a tribe in Utah, he speaks English but with a pretty heavy accent. The guy showed up with a deerskin bag full of traditional clothing and a war ax ( how he got it on the plane I have NO idea) again nice enough but he isn't up to date with technology or news or...anything... the guy lived off the grid. There is Goth, she is a short blonde chick with the most bubbling outgoing personality that you can have. I saw her run the other day for the PT test and she smoked me on it. two miles in 14 minutes? That is insane. Finally, we have this guy from New Orleans named ( an attempt at writing his name is scratched out three times) OK I can't actually spell his name... everyone calls him beads because he showed up with beads in his hair and threw a bitch fit when he was held down in the chair to shave it all off. He is a wildcard, he can go either way. Good or bad. We will see about him. OK, that is all I have for today! I will update in a while!

General here.

today we got our squad assignments. My squad is naturally full of mouth breathing nobodies. I have this guy Don merrie, a Mexican. Everyone calls him the Don or just Don the guy doesn't know how to march, he can't lace up his boots right, hell he would forget how to breathe if we could do that. Then there is Blackway, a redheaded dude from southern Illinois he got caught stealing extra chow so everyone is calling him Blackbeard. There is a girl named Kiwazen from Japan, a guy from Idaho named Conway. The sick thing is they all get along, I guess weak minds think alike. They won't be here for long I am basically carrying this squad.


SDS: senior Drill Sergeant ( the guy in charge)

PT Test: physical training test ( or APFT army physical fitness test)

Smoked: beat horribly 

Chow: Food ( duh LOL)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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