The beginning

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Once upon a time there is a kingdom called Harmonic kingdom ruled by King Kaze and Queen Saphire.One day the queen give birth to 3 children there names are Prince Shadow,Prince Sonic and Prince Silver. The king and queen were very happy that they have children everyone in the kingdom is happy for the king and queen and happy to have a peaceful land and so they thought.

(Kaze POV)

I am finally a father everybody is happy that we have children.Me and Saphire are in our children room I stay for a few minutes and Saphire went to sleep while I watch the kids.


Suddenly I heard a huge crash I run outside to see what is going on and then I see an army coming to the kingdom I run to tell my wife Saphire to hide the children and I told the knights to get ready to fight.I was fighting dark knights and killed them all I was about to find Saphire until I saw The Dark God Sultan.

(Saphire's POV)

I am happy to have my children and I am finally a mother.I was very tired so I feel sleep then suddenly I heard a huge crash!I quickly woke up from my sleep I heard my children crying I stand up and walk to their room.I smiled at them and calm them down and they giggled. I heard Kaze came in the room and told me to hide the children I quickly grabbed them and run outside the castle and saw dark knights coming to the castle and I know that there after my children I have no choice but to send my baby's away to keep them safe it is hard for me to do this but I have no choice!! I teleport to Möbius and place them down to different house's and teleport back to the castle. There we're many dark knights I fight some and run to the thrown room and saw Kaze and Sultan fighting.

(Kaze POV)

"He's gotten more stronger than before"I thought tired
"You think you can defeat me?HA!!No one can defeat me hahahaha!!!" Sultan laugh
"Maybe I can't but I well never let you hurt my family"I said and ready to attack again
"I well kill you!!" Shouted Sultan
We started to fight (again)
(Sorry I don't know how to write a fight)

(Saphire POV)

I watch them fight and I saw Kaze fall down bleeding I quickly shielded Kaze and attack Sultan
"Well well well if it isn't Saphire were are your children sleeping?" Sultan said with an evil grin
"You well never find them I send them into a place that you well never find"I said and punch him in the face
"How dare you" Sultan was about to punch me back but was blocked by Kaze
"We may not defeat you but I know that there is a prophecy that one day you will be defeated. The souls that your brother made is going to defeat you!"Kaze shouted and hold me close to him
"Yes but your sons are the 3 souls that my foolish brother made and when I find them I will kill them!!" Sultan shouted and vanished.Me and Kaze was scared of what he said Kaze call all our best knights to track down Sultan while I went to a place that called Chao garden and saw Tikal.Tikal is guardian of the chaos emeralds,the master emerald and she protect the Chou from harm
"Hello Tikal"I said with a smile
"Oh why hello Queen Saphire what brings you here?" Tikal answered and smiles back
"I came to worn you about the dark lord maybe his planning to steal the chaos emeralds" I said
"gasp" Oh no!I have to hide them quickly"Tikal panicked
"Dont worry I well help you hide them" I said calmly
"Thank you your majesty" Tikal said and calm down
"OH!And I heard that Thiers a propecy can you tell me what the propecy is?"I asked and a bit curious
"Yes of course"Tikal said and hold a Chou on her hands and started to tell the propecy.
"Once there are 2 Brother's who bring pace to the world their name is Sour and Sultan.All is peaceful and happy.The youngest brother grow jealous because the oldest brother has more attention than him.A dark voice spock to Sultan and turn him into a monster.Sultan brought destruction to the land and fought his brother Sour but before Sour die he made 3 souls that one day will defeat Sultan and with the help of the chaos emeralds they will bring pace to the land again" Tikal explained
"I see but may I ask is the 3 souls that Sour made are my sons?" I said shock
"Yes your majesty but don't worry they have friend's to help them and I well guide them on the way" Tikal said and smile
"Oh so it is true" I said
"Okay but do they have powers like me and Kaze?" I asked
"Yes they do" Tikal said
"What kind of powers?" I asked again.
"Well your older son Shadow has chaos power and your second son Sonic has speed and your youngest son Silver has telekinesis" Tikal said
"You well watch them right?" I said a bit worried
"Of course your majesty" Tikal said with a smile
"And if something goes wrong I well tell you" Tikal said
"Thank you Tikal" I said and smiles back.

(Kaze POV)

I told the knights to track down Sultan I was scared that my sons will get hurt.At night time me and Saphire went to our room Sapphire look at me and said
"K-kaze do you think the children well be alright?" Saphire asked worried
"Don't worry they well be alright" I said and hug Saphire close and she feel a sleep .
(I well bring our family back together.My sons we well meet you soon)I thought and fell sleep.

(Well I hope you like my part 1 and please comment of what you think and please be my follower, share and like.And I will try to write the second chapter)


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