Kidnapping helped me?

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After a few days I still didn't like to come out of my room, I mostly stayed in there and barley ate anything. I was pretty sure I was driving Lily and Remus insane. Currently I am hiding away in my room, Its the weekend so my plan is not to come out. At all. But I was getting ready for the chaos that Lily and Remus were about to throw at me trying to get me to leave my room. I was just finishing my homework. Yes homework, you know there is something wrong when someone doesn't force Fawn Garland to do her homework. Knock, Knock. I herd from the door, I didn't answer. "Come on Fawn I know you are in there." Someone says, It's Remus. I saw that coming. I don't answer again. Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock. I herd again.

        "Go away Remus." I herd someone sigh and some whispers. Moments later I herd walking done the stairs. I was going to go to attempt sleep and ignore life when someone knocked on the door again. "Who's there" I said annoyed. Ever since the incident I almost never leaved my room, McGonagall came and talked me into coming to my lessons, but I still never eat anything, much. 

        "Can I come in" It was Lily, I kind of had to let her into her own room, so I picked up my wand and unlocked it.

        "It's open." I sighed when Lily came in.

        "Come on get up." she said pulling me up.

        "No I don't want to." I whined

        "Come on Fawn its been a few days and we miss you."

        "What's in it for me?"

        "To see your friends."

        "And" she sighed

        "Anything we just want to see you." 

        "No." I said simply. she sighed and walked out. A few moments later she came back. With more people, who I notice is James and Remus.

        "Come on Fawn." James says


        "We didn't want to do this Fawn." James says. I look at him confused, He just looks at Remus and nods. Remus just comes and picks me up throwing me over his shoulder.

        "Remus, Put me down." I said. He shakes his head. I sigh, It's a good thing I got dresses out of my PJ's today. I was wearing this. I noticed that Lily grabbed my Boots, I will most likely have to thank her later. "Were are you taking me?" I asked them.

        "To a place." oh Sirius I would have never guesses.

        "What place?" I asked

        "A fun place." Now James to!

        "Do I get to guess?" I asked

        "Sure." the said in synch.

        I thought about it, then I remembered the date. "Guys I don't want to go to Hogsmead, put me down." I half yelled.

        "How did you know?" Sirius asked

        "Sirius even though I am not in Ravenclaw I am smart."

        "Your coming no matter what." Remus says.

        "But I don't want to" I complained. No one said anything until we got to the carriages and Remus put me down. I was about to run when someone lifted me up and put me in the carriage.

        "Here are your boots" Lily said handing them to me, I thanked her.

        "Fawn why didn't you come out of your room? you seem completely normal right now." Sirius asked me after a little bit.

        "It's hard to explain. But also you guys are getting me a lot of candy because you dragged me out here." when the carriage stopped I grabbed the nearest persons hand and ran to Honeydukes 

        "Hey, slow down I think we lost the others." the person I grabbed says. James. We haven't been alone since the kiss.

        "No. I want candy." I said not slowing down my pace until we get there. 

        "Well at least your out of your room." He laughs.

        "truthfully I was getting sick of doing nothing, I just didn't want to face the world. I was barley sleeping." I told him, He looks at me surprised. So I run away getting my candy. I got chocolate frogs, sugar quills, Berrtie bots, and everything else. After getting my candy I walked around looking for my friends, which took awhile. I turned a corner and herd James talking. Me being be listened in.

        "Moony we need a plan, Padfoot surly agrees right?"

        "Yeah sure Prongs." 

        "Padfoot, Prongs lets talk about this later and lets go look for everything else." After that I rounded the corner.

        "I have been looking everywhere for you guys." I say making sure I don't look confused, and showing them I was listening in to there conversation. We walk down the street to get butterbeers and stay and talk there for awhile, eventually meeting Lily who went to find some of her different friends. 

        "Thank you guys, I really needed this." I said as we were walking into the common room

        "Are you saying you will come out of your room." James looked hopeful as he said that.

        "No promises but I will try." I reassured them. But after I said that I got bombarded with  hugs.

        "You have to promise you will come out." Remus said sternly

        "Ugh fine I promise."        

        "Yay!" Lily squealed

        "Who would have thought Kidnapping would help me." I said half laughing

        "No one Fawn, absolutely no one." James says smiling. I was glad to be back like myself again, hopefully.

        A/n: Guys I have to thank Evelyn Weasley  for helping me come up with this chapter, she gave me an idea! Exciting right!! Well that's really all I had to say  and thank you for hearting the story, means a lot really. also please comment and remember as always stay awesome 

- Emily

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