Winter Warmth (Adrienette)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous Ladybug. All rights belong to Zagtoon

A/N: This is my first fanfic for Miraculous Ladybug, so please don't be too harsh on me. Although any feedback would be greatly appreciated! This is my attempt at fluff. Hope you like it!

Marinette shivered as she walked along the streets of Paris. She decided that she would go for a walk, but she unfortunately underestimated how cold it would be. Snow was softly falling to the ground as the sharp wind swiftly blew against her navy blue hair. Marinette shivered again. She cursed to herself as she realized she should've put on more layers, as she was wearing only a light pink hoodie and boots. She sighed and continued to walk down the sidewalk, trying to ignore the chills.

It was quite pretty during this time of the year. Each house was extravagantly decorated with beautiful lights and many other Christmas themed decorations. But at night, everything was a thousand times brighter and merrier. There were Christmas lights strewn around the trunks of trees, even in the park. Parents and their children would bundle up and stare in awe at the beautiful sights around them. Marinette smiled to herself as she thought of her own holiday experiences as a young girl.

She aloofly proceeded with her walk until she crashed into a hard surface. After she regained herself, she looked up and gazed into the blazing green eyes of Adrien Agreste.

"Oh, I'm sorry Marinette." Adrien said sheepishly. "I should've paid more attention to where I was going."

"N-N-No! I-It was m-my fault! Y-Y-You don't have to apologize!" Marinette stuttered.

Marinette violently shivered once more. Her nervousness from clumsily bumping into Adrien added on to the cold of the night, causing her chills to worsen.

Adrien, wearing a thick scarf and a large white coat, seemed to notice her dilemma. He took off his scarf and securely wrapped it around her neck. "Here, take this. You seem to need it more than I do." He smiled.

Marinette flushed scarlet. "T-Thank you Adrien. You r-r-really didn't have to."

Adrien chuckled. "No, I insist! Take it. I don't mind at all!" He replied.

Marinette smiled bashfully in return to the offer, adjusting the scarf slightly. She immediately felt warmer then before, the heat leftover from Adrien still lingered on the scarf. Sighing, she closed her eyes and took in more of the warmth.

"So," Adrien started happily. "What are you doing out at this time? Were you on your way to purchase some new fabrics?"

"N-No, actually, I just felt like taking a stroll." She replied. "The city is just so festive and bright during the Christmas season, I just had to come out and look. W-What about you?"

"I guess the same as you. Father always acts even colder than usual around this time of the year, seeing as though this is yet another  Christmas without Mother." Adrien said glumly. "So I thought taking a walk would be nice."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Adrien." Marinette sadly responded.

"It's fine." His expression began to brighten. "Hey, do you wanna walk with me?"

Marinette blushes profusely as her eyes widened. He wants to walk? With me!!? Okay, calm down Marinette. He's just being nice. This is NOT a date. This is NOT a-

"Marinette?" Adrien asked with a questioning look.

"O-Oh! Sorry. S-Sure!" She replied. Great job, Marinette. You've made a fool of yourself in front of Adrien once again. Now he'll think you're crazy!

"Great!" He grabbed Marinette's hand and led her to the park. When they arrived, everyone was indulged in the holiday spirit. Children were building snowmen and having snowball fights. Some of the younger ones stared in wonder at the lit up trees and figurines. Adults sipped on coffee and chatted about Christmas preparations, stopping every once in a while to giggle at their children.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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