Chapter 2: The new equals overwhelming

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Gender switched


Even though only hours pass it seems like days. Dr. Holl comes back and visits me every 3 hours for more mind tricking, and he even left a digital clock behind clarifying "Time is precious it's important to keep track of it." Dr. Holl was very attentive to my convience. He understood that I couldn't see the clock on the wall due to the sensitivity of my eyes. Those little thing cheer me up in the slightest. I laid there trying to distinguish the shapes formed from the television. I could clearly hear they were cartoons that the nurse put on earlier. I wondered about my age since the refers to cartoon could probably say a range from 5 to 12, but then again any adult could enjoy the satisfaction cartoons bring. In the way I perceive it I'm realived that I respond at all with the copious amount of thoughts stored in my head to feel any emotions.

"Jenn....No Spencer are you awake?" I heard the click of the door opening. The same woman has come back. Well she is not just some woman, she is my mother. I glanced at the clock it was 8 in the morning, I must have woken around 5 since its been 3 hours from my first session. My mother took small steps until she stood presuambly 5 feet from my bedside. "It's okay to approach him." Dr. Holl entered the room. "Spencer it is time for another session." The doctor walked to electra who made screenching sounds every time it was turned on. "Sessions?" My mother spoked horrified. "To improve his condition. Now Mrs. Hayden you wouldn't want a vegatable for a son?" Dr. Holl marked on his chart before starting the session. "Now Spencer we are going to do this session different from the last. I want you to start communicating as soon as possible, so what we are going to do is remove the tube and in focus the electrostatic shocks around the head." "This won't cause brain damage will it!?" My mother panicked. "No, Mrs. Hayden I want to release Spencer thoughts before he drowns in them." He most definitely understands. "Now Spencer I need you to take deep breathes, the vibration will be quicker and a little more intense since the shocks will be in a concetrated area."

Dr. Holl carefully removed the wide tube. Temporarily I couldn't breathe. I almost choked on my own saliva as the tube finally came off. "Good now you can use a smaller tube, to ensure you are given the daily nutrition you need." I blinked twice to give him my confirmation. Dr. Holl nodded and pressumed with Electra. "Alright we are going to begin." I close my eyes so I can focus on breathe then the vibrations began and breathing became difficult. "Come Spencer I need you to breathe deepily, you have 2 more minutes." I tried and with every ounce of energy I had, I sucked and shot.

"Hmm..." came a gasp sound from the creeps of my throat. " Good, that is the first sign that you're making great progress." Dr. Holl turned electra off and inserted a small tube down my thorax and esophagus as so he called it. "Now as soon as I leave a speech therapist will come in and explain the course Spencer will have to start talking again, but that wont happen until he completes his physcial therapy since the only thing Spencer can move are his eyelids, eyes and nostrils." "How long will this treatment last?" "The treatment will be to the very least 3 months just enough time for Spencer to start the school term. Spencer will be a Junior am I correct?" I am 17 or maybe 16. "Yes but the administrators told me I had to change the paper work for Spencer... can be classified." "So what you are saying you need the birth certificate and confirmation?" Dr. Holl gave her a skeptical look. My mother nodded hesistantly. She will accept the fact that the person I was is gone before she could even say goodbye.

"Alright Spencer the speech therapist will be in shortly. I'm going to talk to Mrs. Hayden here so just relax okay?" I blinked twice. Dr. Holl left the room with my mother and a skinny really skinny woman came in. She wore cat shaped glasses with a leopard print clothing. "Good morning Spencer!" When she spoke it seemed like she purred. "Spencer I am Dr. Sandra I am going to be with you for the last 2 weeks of your journey, but I will come once every week to ensure you will practice the movement in your facial muscles. So lets start the lesson!" She sat on the stool and placed her big black bag on the floor next to my bedside. She opened her, which reminded me of Mary Poppins, pulling things one by one. "Spencer in speech therapy it's all about connecting with the patient emotions. This will influence a speech pattern in your brain causing you to respond. Now Spencer this is your puppet." She pulled out a sock with two beady eyes that was placed on her hand. "Now Spencer. 'yes Mrs. Sandra' can you give me a small smile?" She used the puppet to represent my voice, but I knew the actions she requested were refrerred to me. I thought about what location on my face I wanted to move. I felt a tinge of movement in the lower part of my cheek. "What a nice smile you have Spencer! 'thank you Mrs. Sandra'."

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