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After drinking the drinks and eating, the boys decide to go home. All of them have some homework which takes forever to do, and it was already six in the evening. Also, they were so tired from the school that even Minhyuk was a bit quiet. Still he didn't want to leave his new friends already and it took like ten minutes before he let go of Hyungwon.

"We'll see tomorrow? Let's have lunch together!" Minhyuk makes Hyungwon and Kihyun promise that a few times before he lets them leave.

And when Hyungwon and Kihyun finally gets home, the atmosphere changes quickly. Hyungwon looks at his brother one eyebrow risen.

"What?" Kihyun asks being a bit confused, and takes his shoes off.

"Exactly." Hyungwon just says and Kihyun rolls his eyes.

"I've no idea what you're meaning." Kihyun says and looks at his foster brother.

"How did you get in trouble again?" Hyungwon sighs, hands on his hips. Kihyun became even more confused.

"Trouble? I've done nothing!"

"Expect gone in the wrong class and met this Changhyunkyun-guy?" Now Kihyun understands. He should have guessed that this was coming.

"Just quickly. And you met him too, with Hoseok, remember?" He says and starts to leave in his room. However, Hyungwon stops him by stepping in front of him.

"I didn't know he is the school's troublemaker! And we didn't talk." The boy says and waves his hands.

"Well, I also had no idea of it! And he was the who talked to me first." Kihyun snaps a bit meanly.

"I didn't mean it like that..." Hyungwon starts but Kihyun cuts him.

"What's your problem today? You have been acting like a bitch to me for the whole day!"

"No, what's wrong with you?" Hyungwon snaps too.
"I'm worried about you. I don't want that anything like that happens again but you're just like some kind of trouble magnet." The boy leaves to his room, banging the door shut behind him.

Kihyun sighs and blinks his tears away, one still falling on his cheek.

What happened to Kihyun really was a big taboo until now when Hyungwon had started to hint of it. And Kihyun didn't understand why his brother had started to talk about it. They had promised to not talk of it when they moved to the new city.

But Kihyun didn't want to think more about it, so he just goes in to his room and curls under his blanket, falling asleep pretty quickly.

In the next morning, Hyungwon didn't come to wake Kihyun up so he overslept. Waking up at eleven o'clock, Kihyun didn't go to school. Or he didn't actually even get out of the bed.

And when Kihyun hears Hyungwon coming home at four in the evening and not noticing him, he just goes deeper in his bed, feeling even more depressed than earlier.

Kihyun didn't even realize that he had fallen asleep when he wakes up to his door being opened. Kihyun opens his eyes slightly and sees that his brother had just opened his room's door. Hyungwon hesitates a little bit before steps into the room and closes the door behind him. Everything goes dark but Kihyun can hear some quiet steps. Soon he hears that the steps stop next to him. For a moment no one says anything.

"Kihyun?" Hyungwon finally whispers carefully.

"Mmm?" Kihyun mumbles being a bit sleepy and still not feeling like talking.

"I... I'm sorry. Of yesterday." Hyungwon whispers again and sits on Kihyun's bed. Kihyun doesn't really know what to say. A part of him wants to say nothing because Hyungwon acted like a total bitch. But at the same time there's a part of him that wants to forgive his brother, he probably was also stressed and all. Hyungwon waits when Kihyun just thinks what to do.

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