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私はこの男が私の最高の男の友人であることを知っていると私は彼と良い思い出を持っていたが、私は自分がしなければならなかったことをしなければならなかった。彼は私を彼にとても怒らせた。彼は私と私の将来の夫と私の家族の間に入ることを知っていました。彼女は私の友人の上の私のボーイフレンドのように、彼の友人によると永遠にいるし、ボーイフレンドが来て行くので、彼女は私の側を選ぶために私は愚かなと呼ばれる。しかし、これはそれに当てはまる場合ではありませんでした。私が親友と呼んだ男は、まったく私の友人ではありませんでした。友人は自分の利益のために関係を台無しにしようとしません。 jは私のボーイフレンドの側を選んでいない、私は私が知っている男の上で私の家族を選ぶ誰がちょうど私を使用するつもりです。彼がしたことは、友人がしてはいけないことです。彼は変態で、彼は私によって雌犬に値する。彼は病院にいる​​ので、彼は幸運なブロックです、地獄、私はそこに彼を送っていました。



I haven't rant on here in a long time, so today I'm going to do that and I'm going to rant about something that just happen to me and my family. its a personal problem but I need to get it off my chest before it eats me alive and I go crazy.

I just want to know in the right thinks its okay to mess with a couple and try to break them up because that person want one of the person in that relationship and that person doesn't care they have a daughter together. Do you how disrespectful that is?

I had a guy, who was a very good of mine here in Japan that I went to high school with. he was almost like my best friend but what he did to me was uncalled for. How is this guy that I called my guy best friend over and over and he's going to ruin my relationship with man of my dreams just because he can't stay with one girl. this guy had his chance to stay with two wonderful girls in the past and he choose to fool around with them and get them pregnant and leave them. I trued to talk to them but it didn't work.

I know that this guys is my best guy friend and I had good memories with him but I had to do what I had to do. he made me so mad at him. he knew better to get between me and my future husband and my family. she called me stupid for picking sides, as in my boyfriend over my friend because according to him friends are forever and boyfriend come and go. but this wasn't the case when it comes to that. the guy that I called best friend wasn't my friend at all. friends dont try to ruin relationships for their own benefits. and j didn't choose my boyfriend's side, I choose my family over a guy that I know Who's just going to use me. what he did is something a friend shouldn't do. he's a jerk and he deserve to be bitch at by me. he's lucky block away from him because he would be in the hospital, hell, I wanted to send him there myself.

I hope he learn his lesson and doesn't come crawling back to me because I won't be here for him. what he did or tried to do to me and my family was wrong and he doesn't deserve my friendship.

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