Chapter 19

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The next day we I went to school feeling a little better. I'm hoping that the whole school dosnt know of the while dad thing. I don't need the attention.

Luhan- Y/N!!

Me- Hi-oh gosh

He almost tackled me while hugging me. I laughed and hugged back,trying to breath. He let me go and looked at me with a smile.

Luhan- How are you?

Me- Eh,could be better. You?

Luhan- I'm alright.

I nodded and saw Sehun running to me.

Me- Oh crap...

Sehun- Y/N!!!

He did the same thing Luhan did. I laughed and hugged him back.

Sehun- I'm so happy your here!

He let me go and I smiled.

Me- Me to. 

We walked to my locker and waiting there was a whole bunch if girls.


Me- Oh God...

Sehun- See you at lunch Y/N!

They ran as the girls chased them. I got knocked over and I groaned in pain. When they all left,a hand reached out to me.

Jungkook- Need a hand?

Me- Thanks...

I took his hand and stood. I dusted myself off and he smiled. 

Jungkook- You doing better?

Me- Yea....thankyou....for the book

He shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Jungkook- No problem i-


He groaned and ran. A whole bunch of girls chased him down the hall. I laughed as I heard him scream. The bell rang for first period. I walked to gym smiling.

When I got there I changed and stood with the rest of the group. Namjoon was looking at me smirking. I don't know why...but I kinda enjoyed it.

Gym Teacher- OK class. Today is the mid-term test's. We will do the fitness gram pacer test. If you fail this,it will reflect on your current grade. Now all of you to the right of the gym.

We walked over and I began stretching. My plan was to go slow at first, then near the end go fast. As I was stretching, Namjoon stood by me.

Namjoon- Hey

Me- Hi

Namjoon- Did you get the book Kookie made?

I nodded,not making eye contact.

Namjoon- He still loves you

Me- Yeah OK. Did he ever?

He sighed and looked away. I don't feel like talking about him right now. He's not ALWAYS my number 1 priority.

1 hour later...

Gym Teacher- Good job class. The results will be in soon.

I went to change and walked to music. Our scedual's changed so I don't know who I have now. It used to be with Jungkook but now I don't know.

Luhan- Y/N,were in the same class!!

He hugged me and I smiled. I noticed Jungkook was at a table looking over. So he stayed. I sat at a desk and waited for class to begin.

Teacher- Ok class as you know the talent show is in 2 weeks. You guys all had time to choose a song,dance or anything. You will be showing us part of your preformance. Who wants to go first. 

Jungkook- Me! Please...

He nodded and Jungkook went to the front of class. I heard girls gasping and such. So annoying.

Jungkook- I will be singing a song....i wanted to do a duet with a special person but....well.

He looked at me and i looked down. He took a deep breath and began singing.

Jungkook- Lately i've been thinking,thinkin 'bout what we had. I know its hard,it was all that we know,yeah. Have you been drinkin,to take all the pain away?

I listened to his voice. It was so soothing and beautiful. His voice angel's voice...'

Jungkook-I wish that i could give you what you deserve...'Cause nothing could ever,ever replace you. Nothing can make me feel like you do,yeah...

All my focus was on him...only him. He was looking right back at me,was he...singing for me? He smiled and i smiled back.( Im skipping to the chorus now,btw)

Jungkook-There's nothing like us,there's nothing like you and me,together through the storm. There's nothing like us,there's nothing like you and me,together oh...

He sighed and put the mic down. We clapped and he bowed. He sat back in his seat,looking at me. I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled.

Teacher- Who else?

Luhan- Y/N does.

Me- NO!!

He smirked and dragged me to the mic. I gave him a "why dont you love me?!" look and he only smiled. I had the song...but its a love song i chose when me and Jungkook were together. I gulped and began to sing.

Me- Tell me something I need to know,then take my breath and never let it go. If you just let me invade your space,i'll take the pleasure,take it with the pain. 

I saw Jungkook looking at me with a smile. I tried not to look,but occasionally i did. nIt was hard to...(chorus time!!)

Me- Cause if you wanna keep me,you gotta,gotta,gotta,gotta,gotta love me harder. And if you really need me,you gotta,gotta,gotta,gotta,gotta got to love me harder. Love me,love,love me....harder,harder,harder..

I took the mic away and they all clapped. I smiled and sat back down. i didn't look over to Jungkook,but i could feel he was looking at me. They all ended up doing like a third of their act or whatever..

1 Hour later....

I walked out with Luhan. I felt as if Jungkook was following us out to my locker...well Namjoon's locker is over there...but does he ever go to his? Lisa,Elki and Sehun were there. 

Sehun- Hey guys.

Me- Hey. Im hugnry..

Lisa- I have a orange..

I took it and put my stuff away. The boys came over all talking. i turned to see Jungkook hugging another girl and it wasnt Ailee. It was just a random girl...such a playboy..she's even desprate touching his abs and face!! N-not that I shook the tought off my mind and closed my locker.

Elki- Hey can you guys come to the park today at like 3?

Me- Watching your cousin again?

She nodded sighing. Her little cousin is a pain at times so i've been told. She was very sweet to me and Lisa. 

Me- Yeah,sure.

Lisa- I don't think I can.

She nodded and did a pouty face at Lisa. We laughed and i saw Jungkook kiss the girls cheek. I looked away,hoping he didn't see. I smiled to Elki,hiding my LITTLE jealousy.

Luhan- We can try,I'm not positive.

She nodded and the bell rang.

Sehun- See you all at lunch?

We nodded and went our seperate ways. I had history now with Sehun.

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