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     I followed Dex through the still-wet alleyway, not really sure what to say. "What's your name, kid?" Dex piped up for me. "The police are on the lookout for you now, as ya know, you just killed two people."

"My name's Zephyr..." I answered. "And... I kind of lost control of myself for a second. I really couldn't move..." I pointed out, not really knowing anything else to say. He wouldn't believe me.

"Kid." Dex stopped for a minute. "You don't have to make excuses. It's okay." He then kept walking, making sure I was beside him. "Your eyes were yellow when I found ya, though. That's a bit odd."

I kept myself from saying anything more about what happened. "...Can we go home?" I asked. I was exhausted and drained of energy.

Dex nodded and gave me a pat on the back. "I'm taking you back to your brothers. Chro was actually the one who called me up, wanting me to keep an eye on you and making sure you didn't get into any trouble."

I followed Dex to his starship, which looked official enough. I'm just glad it didn't look shady or anything. Dex blinked and waved to another person there, who opened the hatch for both of us. The other person waved to me.

"Hey, Brad, say hello to Zeph." Dex chuckled and rubbed my head. I didn't really like him doing that, but I didn't complain. I just ruffled my hair a bit and set it flat again when he was done.

"Zephyr himself?" The person blinked. He must have known us somehow. I nodded and he grinned. "Hey, Zeph. My name's Bradley." I nodded to him and took note of his look, with short red hair and a red jacket.

Dex looked back over to me. "Let's take you home."


The ship landed at our station, making a little clunk as it hit the landing pad. I saw Chronos run out to the hangar immediately- his orange jacket was unmistakable. As soon as Bradley opened the hatch, I bolted out and hugged Chronos, who embraced me just the same.


"Chronos!" I shouted, running up to Chronos and hugging him. I was finally home, and I had just missed him so much... Being away with Cider can take a toll on your remaining brother. Right?

"Xephyr!" Chronos hugged me in return, a wave of happiness rushing over me. Cider just stood at the ship, tapping his foot in a bit of dismay. Wouldn't he know not to get kicked out of that casino for the third time? I winked at Cider, only to see him laugh like a maniac as Shara tackled him. I knew he was blushing, but I didn't call him out on it. His face would end up looking like a fire truck anyways.

Chronos looked happy enough, too. He'd seen Lord Thanos recently, and had ended up making a deal with him. We could play our music any time in Clockhaven if Thanos got a share of the profits. We didn't even need it due to how much Cider gambled (and cheated), but it was something.

I turned out to see Chronos worriedly staring at me. I hugged him tighter. He'd been staring at me like that last time I was in Fiawave, but I didn't say much. I knew we'd all be okay and happy...


I turned around to thank Dex and Bradley, but the ship was already taking off, so I just waved. Bradley waved out the window, but the ship took off and disappeared. Chronos just hugged me and led me inside, just to see Cider laying on the couch. He didn't look at all concerned.

"Were you not scared for him, Cider?!" Chronos cried out. "He could have gotten seriously hurt, and now the space police wants our backs!" Cider didn't respond, probably because he didn't want to start a fight. And after that, I decided to ask something.

"Chronos... Do you know Xephyr?" I blinked, curious. After someone who... probably took over my body, I wanted to know if anyone else knew.

Chronos shook his head no. "I'm afraid I don't." And at that, Xephyr appeared beside me.

"I...I'm so sorry, Zeph for what I did... Just let me take control..." Xephyr's voice chimed in my head, almost a growl. I was about to say no, but I relented. He needed something as of now, and I was willing to give.

My head started throbbing as Xephyr look over again, although it hurt less because I gave it up willingly. "Why don't you remember me?!" Xephyr growled at Chronos. Chronos stepped back, unnerved by the sudden growl.

"Zephyr, calm down-" Chronos stepped back, getting closer to the wall.

"I'm in control now, Chronos!" Xephyr hissed angrily. "I'm Xephyr! Why don't you remember me?!"

And to that, Chronos growled. "Xephyr, whoever you are- give Zephyr control back."

Xephyr... smiled softly. "Chronos! It's me! Why don't you remember?"

Chronos hissed. "Get out of my brother's body... demon." Xephyr relented. As the weakness and exhaustion returned, I managed to grab the coffee table so I wouldn't hit the floor. Chronos hugged me, although I pulled away.

"I still need something, Zeph..." Xephyr chimed. "Go to Shara's computer..."

The tone in Xephyr's voice told me he really needed this. I walked over to Shara's room, glad she wasn't currently in there, and flipped open her computer, entering the password. She'd change it constantly due to Cider logging in and posting stupid things on her social media, but I'd figure it out. Xephyr moved my hand over to a folder labeled 'Code'.

Something came over my head that maybe we shouldn't be looking at this stuff. Xephyr growled at me, so I kept clicking. And at the very end of it all, folder after folder after folder...

Inside was a lone document called 'Virus'. "Click on it." Xephyr told me. I followed his instruction to see... The document held Xephyr's code.

"N-No..." Xephyr murmured shakily. "I-I'm not a virus..." He appeared again as a specter beside me, and he looked like he was about to cry. I motioned my hand out to give him a pat, and it actually made contact, which is something I didn't expect. At that, he just started to cry more.

"I'm not a virus... I'm not a virus... I'm not a virus..." Xephyr kept repeating to himself. I hugged him, but he sounded as if his voice was more and more filled with anger at each repetition...

"Xephyr... you're not a virus..." I told him, hugging him.

He growled at me. "Y-You're right... I'm not... You are." 

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