At least I have a Friend

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*Shaes' POV*

I watched the warriors train in the field, as I stayed cooped up in my room in isolation. Only the maids ever visit, which is fine, because I hate going to the pack house to fetch my food and possibly run into my father. He never visits or checks on me anymore. My maids, Jane and Lola, always had a look of sympathy whenever they would bring my tray of delicious food the chef would always cook me up. But I couldn't even care about that right now. Me and Scarlet have decided that we're leaving. And soon. I'm done with the bullshit and the beatings. I'm too strong to sit here watching life from the sidelines.

Nightfall couldn't come any sooner, I was ready to release my anger and pent up energy. Yet I had to stay here, as Beta Jones was out on patrol duty tonight, so my training would have to wait another day. But I planned on going for a run at least.

Knock knock.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as a knock startles me in the silent room. I inhaled deeply and smiled genuinely, which isn't often. I hurried to the bathroom to look in the mirror, make sure i didn't look like a complete wreck as I am the Alphas' daughter and I'm suppose to look at least a little presentable.

My eyes shimmered and swirled as if someone melted down gold and sprinkled glitter all in it and I must say I've always found it ecentric but it's the only thing I find beautiful about myself besides my long white hair that's thrown up in a bun currently. I mean I have nice thick lips and high cheekbones, and curves I could only dream for, but honestly I hate how guys look at me, like just let me be me. I would always growl and they would bow their heads in respect. Showing their necks.

A knock sounded again and I rushed to open the door, looking up at my best friend, Phillip Jones, the betas son. He smiled down and I couldn't help it, I launched myself at him holding him close to me, I really needed a hug after being in my thoughts all day. I pulled away hastily and peeked into the dim hallway to make sure the coast is clear before dragging him into my large room. He took a seat on my lush red velvet comforter before tilting his head waiting for me to get on with it.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes before opening them and looking at him. Scar, had taken control as my voice sounded a little deeper with more authority, "I'm leaving soon. As in a few days when I finish my training.." I finished and waited for his response. He was one of my only friends and I knew he would understand but I didn't know if he would let me leave without a fight.

And to my complete shock this fool laughed. Hard. "I've been waiting for you to leave a while now, your mates out there and I know damn well this place is fucking hell for you."

He pondered for a moment, " I actually might come with you, I'm sure my father would approve."

I gasped, " Phillip you can't just leave you're next for beta!"

He chuckled, "Scar calm down and let me talk to Shae please, I know you're ready to leave and also make sure everything is running here but she has a say too"

Scar growled, it rumbled through my chest before she backed into the depths of my mind. I blinked, knowing my eyes changed back to their natural golden color from the deep red Scar turns my eyes to.

I sigh, "Phillip how are you going to step down from being Beta and yes this is my choice too me and Scar are fed up with the life we have here!"

Phil chuckled, " Shae my sister would gladly take over and as Beta my duty is to follow my Alpha and help, and keep her safe," He sighed "I'm coming Shae, no matter what, my father wouldn't let you go on your own anyways, he cares for you almost as his own daughter, I see the love in his eyes when he looks at you"

I smiled up at him, my heart swelling even though lately it feels as if it's not even there. Phillip was a good looking guy, he had light brown hair, a strong jawline, baby blue eyes and high cheekbones. His wolf was stronger than even his father now. Just looking at him you know he's a high rank and girls drool over him all the time when we go out anywhere, but he's always been a brother to me, a protector, so there is no way I could think of him like that.

"Thank you so much Phil!" I giggled and took a deep breath. "In two days I'm leaving, if you change your mind about coming I'll understand, but I have to do this. My wolf is begging me for the woods almost all day and night, she wants to be free since she can't have her pack.." I mumble quietly but I know he heard me

He cupped my cheeks and whispered, " I'm coming, you're not going out there alone"

I nodded and he took his leave. Bidding me goodnight. Yet I was not tired. I was ready to set Scar free.

Okay so this is my first time writing a book and a werewolf one at that. Any opinions would be nice. :) 

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I know this chapter is a little short I'll make the next one longer :D

Also the pic is of how I imagine her eyes to look. 

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