Chapter 2

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I see a maid whizzing by and call out to her.


"Yes? Oh. You must be Rowenna. What can I do for you, Miss?"

"Can you show me to the bathroom. Please."

I have somehow worked myself up about having to live here married to Coltyn, he seems like such a... cold (And by cold, I mean hot.) person? And his father... oh my goodness his stereotype skills are on point. That's exactly how everybody thinks 'country people' live.

I don't even have an accent anymore.. I haven't lived in the country since I was twelve. Until Mom left..

"Yes, of course. This way Miss."

I was now holding back tears, mixing my mom into this had not been a good idea...

I'm so dramatic, it's like a switch flipped. Of course I don't want Coltyn.

I just have to make it to the bathroom. I thought to myself.

"And here you are Miss. Do you remember how to get back? I can send someone if you need directions back to the dining room."

I am so not being the cliche girl that gets lost in the person's house.

"Sorry. I don't remember the way back, could you send someone? Please. Sorry to be a bother."

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"It's no bother Miss, I'll send someone for you." She said smiling.

I went in and locked the door.

Thank God I wore waterproof mascara today. I thought as tears started streaming down my face..

What if they're mean? What if I never get to see Father again? What if... what if I never get to see Mom again..

There's no way mom left me, just to leave me, or father for that matter. She had to have had a reason.

They never fought. Ever. Something had to have happened to her for her to leave... and what if I don't get to figure out why...

I'm sobbing now.. I can't control it. I just want to go home..

Or do I? A part of me doesn't want to go home. But I sure as hell don't want to stay here either.. my mind drifts back to what Ethan said in the car.. how I could get away in a few months when I'm eighteen, how he would help me escape.

Breaking me from my thoughts I hear a knock at the door.

I stand up, wipe my face, and reapply some powder. I always keep powder hidden that way I can lighten my bright cheeks after crying.. Yes, I know I'm smart.

I steady my breathing as quick as I can.

"Hello?" Comes a mans voice from the other side of the door.

Colty- no it's not Coltyn it's somebody else.


"I was sent up here to take you back down to the table, but from the sound of it.. you could use some alone time... or a friend?"

I open the door smiling.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern though." I say trying to convince the both of us.

"You don't look fine," How can he tell? I covered it up and my makeup's not smudged.

"I can see it in your eyes, you are anything but fine."

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