Untitled Part 5

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  I wake up slowly to a trashed room and no idea what happened or what time it is. Kurama? Yes, Kit what is it? What time is it? What happened? Why is my room like this? Slow down kit, I gave you the power of some really powerful ninja who I used to know. And now you will have to learn how to control your powers and the knowledge that you gained. 

  Okay, Kurama what do I do first? You now have the ability to absorb the knowledge of any book you touch and I want you to go to your families library and touch every book. When you touch them imagine your chakra flowing out and taking the words from the book than returning to you and carrying the information to your brain. 

  I finally have the power to prove my family wrong. Wait a minute why am I not sad? You gave up the right to love your family remember? Oh yeah I just didn't think it would be so sudden you know? Having regrets Kit? No I'm glad I don't like having my feelings hurt over and over and over again, and then feeling bad about hurting their feelings or if something bad happens to them feeling bad. 

  It's just not fair, why should I feel bad for something they did to me and felt nothing for? It's because you have a heart. And they don't? Apparently not for you they don't. Oh yeah what time is it? It has been about four hours. So around ten? Yeah it's ten fifteen.

*Naruto sneaks into his "family" library at midnight

  So just touch them and picture what you described to me? Yes. I touched every book as fast as possible and got the knowledge from them. Hmm, why can't I tell that I'm getting new information? You will more than likely pass out in three minutes so get to your room quickly!

  I ran to my room and quickly hid in my bed. Alright Kurama how do I... And with that last thought Naruto passed out for the second time that day.

  So sorry for the late chapter guys last Sunday I was at my aunt's house and didn't get to update but hope you like this chapter! Comment on whether you'd prefer for Naruto to get adopted by the Uchiha's and have their family be good or if I should have the Hyuuga's adopt him and be a good family or have the Inuzuka's!

  So sorry for the late chapter guys last Sunday I was at my aunt's house and didn't get to update but hope you like this chapter! Comment on whether you'd prefer for Naruto to get adopted by the Uchiha's and have their family be good or if I shou...

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P.s. Look at the cute picture I found of Naruto and Sasuke!!! :P

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