Level Eleven

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"Why didn't we think of this? This is her school uniform. We know what school she goes to." Edwin held up the picture, while Jullibi stared at it. She put her face in her hands, "That was taken years ago."

"But we know what area she lives in, don't we? We just gotta look around that school."

"We've tried that."


"Then I can't think of anything else."

Jullibi was thumbing through the game codes, her eyes narrowed. From the angle he was at, Edwin pictured her as some sort of librarian. He stifled a laugh, and she glanced up. "What?"

"You're super-focused. Trying to find the lock codes for the servers?"

"Yes. We know what server she's in, so all I have to do is find the right one, and we can crack the code. You should've known that, Ed. You created the game."

Edwin frowned then. "Well, look at you getting all technical."

"How is it that I'm providing more help than you are? You know what, I have an idea. Why don't you log on and try and crack the code for the server? I'll message the possible ones to you."

"Fine. But while you're at it, try and find the one hacker. This is gonna take a while."

Nanator sat up and opened his personal menu, then waited until Jullibi sent him the first password. It was followed by one possible username.

After that, Nanator set to work. He opened the control panel and the leader-board, found Shortii's username and the server she was in. It was the same server as before. He took in a breath and opened the server lock menu, scanned his control panel for the matching server code, and looked at the password. He tested it once, and when it came up, he sent a message back to Jullibi. "The password didn't work. I'm trying out the username. I'll log onto...Mixder's server."

He then searched the leader-board, found Mixder, who was half-way down the list of five hundred players, and saw that they were online. He clocked on the server that they were in and was instantly transported there. It was on the 'Broken Bridge' map. He opened the mini-map and found Mixder, who was located in the middle of the northern part of the map. He clocked on the player's name and was put twenty yards away from him. However, Mixder could not see him.

Mixder was a cowboy. He was wielding two revolvers and was crouched by a car, watching the roads. Nanator watched him for a while and concluded that he was not a hacker- until Mixder stood up.

Super jump boots.

Nanator's brain clicked and he walked over and put a hand on Mixder's shoulder. The man turned quickly and drew his revolvers, but was met with Nanator's rifle. "If I were you, I'd tell me where I got those boots."

"You the creator."

Nanator nodded. "I made this game. I'm searching...for help."

"Help? With what?"

"Hacking. I need someone who can crack into a server."

"What? Locked yourself outta your own game?"

"Basically. I'm trying to...find someone. The server is locked. Do you know how to bypass codes?"

"No. I only got these boots 'cause I transferred 'em from another game."

"Oh. Well, never mind, then. I'm sorry for interrupting you."

"It's fine. Nice game, by the way. You did a fine job."

"Thank my brother," Nanator chuckled a little, but caught himself and mumbled, "He was the one with the idea." He then zipped out of the server and saw that Jullibi had messaged him.

"Log out. I have news."

Shortii and the three kids stared down at the hatch.

"Well? You gonna open it?" Ketterjet asked. The kid crouched down as Shortii did, watching as the hatch swung open with a creak. Ketterjet bent forwards. "It's super dark..."

Shortii backed up and turned around. "Alright. Hurry up and go down there. I'll follow with a light."

Keymat narrowed her eyes behind the goggles she had been wearing.

Tinkertoy turned around, looking out at the horizon. He was pretty tall for his age, even in the game. He had a serious face and didn't seem to mind the fact that half of it was missing. It could've been a glitch in the game, but one of his eyes was completely covered in skin.

As soon as Ketterjet launched himself down the ladder, Tinkertoy turned back around and followed him. After that, Keymat stared at Shortii, who still hadn't turned back around. "What are you looking at?" Keymat asked.


Keymat turned her head to see what the other player was staring at, her eyes narrowing. "There's nothing there." She stated in a constricted voice.

"Yeah. Nothing," Shortii agreed a bit too quickly, then turned around. "Go on."

Keymat took a moment to slide down. She held her rifle with one arm, grabbing the top rung of the ladder with the other. Her left foot slid down and caught a bar. She partially stood up, twisted around, and met the face of Shortii.

"You're just like them, aren't you?" Shortii asked, then kicked her square in the face. Keymat, dazed, fell back. Her grip loosened on the ladder. The top of her head struck the hatch, bent forwards, and hit the ladder. She fell down and struck the ground with a loud thud.

Shortii stood up, reached up to the hatch, and slammed it closed. She turned around.

A figure stood around twenty meters away. Cloaked in black with a broken mask, the ghost of Masterox watched Shortii.

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