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Here's one of my newer OC's 

Name: Flashback

Gender: Male

Age: 17-19

Species: Dragon( I should stop putting this since there s not much of a point lel)

Likes: playing, ignoring problems, playing jokes, flying, chess or similar board games, being seen as normal

Dislikes: (I'm just gonna talk about his main personality) switching personalities, pain, blood, violence, mirrors

Powers: he has a venomous bite that causes hallucinations, he can mimic sounds and voices,

Weaknesses: electricity, himself,

Personality:(ima just talk about his main one) nice, easygoing, smart, observative, he also learns things quickly , calm

Backstory: (this is what I have so far I'm probably gonna change stuff and add stuff soon)     Flashback used to be sane until one day he tried to escape however he got caught. Since it was in the early days of the lab they saw electrocution as an appropriate way of punishment. Due to electrical shocks and many other traumatizing things from flashbacks childhood he developed multiple personalities. He switches whenever he is shocked, feels a high amount of pain, gets extremely scared or stressed, or occasionally when he gets caught in a lie. He can also switch randomly at times. However one of his personalities only comes out after he sees blood and when he switches to that particular one he becomes bloodthirsty and can do many things he wouldn't normally do or be able to do.

Other: His eyes are different colors his left eye is green and his right eye is red

Class: Illusionist

Also, don't worry I did research on multiple personality disorder in order to better make this character :D
Here's one where you can see both his eyes

Also, don't worry I did research on multiple personality disorder in order to better make this character :DHere's one where you can see both his eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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