9. I am my own person

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I can't believe I am standing here once again.

That jerk. When I contacted her, she specifically asked me to come to her house before dinner time.

She's playing with me and have no qualm of letting me to know it. She dropped all the pretense and want me to come to her on my own accord. It bite me to do this, but until I can leave, I have to keep playing her game.

The door open before I even knocked it. I had to blink few times to register what I'm seeing.

"Welcome to the House of Night." She- No... He stood tall and stoic with his long white blonde hair hanging low. He's wearing man clothes. How many times did i tried to imagine it but couldn't. I thought it would look... funny on her, him looking completely out of it. but he look just how he should be.

A real man that would make man and woman look into his way. If he was beautiful as a woman, he look as beautiful if not more as a man. He reminds me of the a story of Snow King I've read during my childhood. A younger version of him.

i snapped out from it.

I steeled myself and stay rooted on my place. I look at him with determination.
"I come to tell you, I'll agree in one condition."
"Oh? And what is that?"
"I am my own person. I have right to act as I wish. I'll help with whatever you need me to do, but only as a friend and nothing more."

He look at me long and hard, silently. Standing in front of the door. I know being the charismatic, powerful and successful leader he is, he always weight down every decisions. Merit or without merit, that is his way of life. I thought, I could appeal that side of him and use it to my advantageous.

Rather than being his forced bitch, I am giving him a business and partnership. One that no matter where I am in this world, whatever I am doing, I'll come to him and lend him a helping hand. One I give him freely. If he didn't changed for these past few years, he would take this deal.

"Maybe I trusted you too much, Midnight. You've seen enough of me to know how enticing that bargain is."
"Throw some friend with benefits will you and it'll be a done deal." He hold out his hand out, waiting for me to seal the deal off. I took his hand and shake it.

Well, a little fun exercise wouldn't matter. I'm not some prude and proper one like people tend to believe.


He invited me to dine with him, only two of us. Oddly, the whole house seems devoid of any life except us.
"Where's the others?"
"I asked them to leave us alone for today. They are quite excited to hear that you've came back."
"Yeah right." I snorted and took a sip on my white wine.

He hold his glass and twirl it a little bit. The wine slosh inside without escaping out of the glass. He stare at the wine.
"They missed you. The first few weeks, they kept forgetting that you were gone. Some of the works here.. You know, you handle the best."
"What? Like blowjob?" I smirked over my glass. He smiled.
"Like that. That sassy mouth of yours."
"Glad to hear that somebody misses me."

Then his phone rang. He frowned and took it.
"What is it?" He listened to the other end of the caller and his frown went deeper. His eyes flicked at my direction before looking away.
"Okay. Just wait there." He ended the phone call and wiped his mouth with napkin.

"I'm sorry but looks like i need your help."
"Already milking it huh?"
He gave me withering look.

"Barcos hadn't been especially kind these past few years. I heard he dipped into few troublesome connection and getting bolder lately. When I said troublesome connection, i meant the black order. They're the who are involved in mass killing at the recent Gala night."

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