Chapter 1 - Activation of cupids arrow

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Annabelle's POV

I woke up early like always and got ready for school, I packed my bag and left early just as usual making sure to wake my mother up before I leave, I grab my keys and my umbrella as the weather lately hasn't been to nice, I walk out side closing the door behind me and start my voyage to school, as I walk the streets I greet all the usual people out this early, I say hey to miss McGreedy who's walking down the side walk with a bad case of bed head and only one shoe, mr McKenny who's out for his morning jog and wave to the elderly woman who is looking for the cat she never owned but believed she did. I cross the road and walk through the gate, just like always the three girls that always pick on me are waiting, Stacy Spencer and girl with short browny red hair, very pale skin which homed her gothic make up and her dark grey eyes, she was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, black jeans, her punk style boots along with her black leather jacket. On her right was Ricky Jane the very meaning of a soccer hooligan and on Stacy's left stood the giantess Kayla King, she stood at 7"02 and has banned from the net ball and female volleyball teams due to her unfair advantage in height.

Stacy- hey freak how are you this morning?
Ricky- gosh why are you always alone? Haven't you ever heard of socialising or making friends?
Kayla- leave her alone Ricky.
Ricky- what don't tell me you actually feel sorry for her.
Kayla- oh heavens no I'm talking about instead of wasting our time with her why don't we go flirt with Jamie Hawkins.
Stacy- now that's a plan.

The three girls left and as I looked up from the floor I was staring at why they insulted me and saw a boy looking at me with a concerned expression.

Sam's POV

I arrived at school early as always so I can avoid the high traffic halls of my house, living with 7 girls gives ample reason to get up early, especially if you want a nice hot shower instead of a freezing shot of pain, I stop and see the bitch trio picking on the weird girl again, I look at her wondering why she just doesn't tell them to fuck off, I look away and head over to the cafeteria to meet up with my friend Jamie the love interest of every girl in the school and I can't blame him, he's freaking perfect and he's my best friend actually he's more of a brother, I walk into the cafeteria and like always he's surrounded by girls from different grades from freshman to seniors.

Sam- sorry I got side tracked this morning.

Just as I say that the bitch trio walk into the cafeteria and straight over to our table.

Ricky- hey Jamie.
Stacy- mind if we take a seat?
Jamie- sure.

Ricky pushes her way to the spot to his left while Kayla took the spot of his right, Stacey stepped over the seat and sat down bumping me.

Sam- come on watch it!
Stacy- sorry.
Jamie- hey Sam can you come over my place today?
Sam- aren't we going to the gym after school?
Jamie- yeah it's just I forgot my gym clothes.
Sam- I brought my spare clothes, you can just borrow them.
Jamie-you sure man?
Sam-yeah just don't wash them later I bet I could sell them to one of your many and for double what I paid for them hahahahaha.
Sam- what do ya say Ricky, I know you've wanted Jamie to jump ya since freshmen year.

Ricky's face went bright red and everyone began to laugh at her, she got up and ran off, Kayla and Stacy got up and chased after her.

Ricky's POV

Ricky- I hate that some of a bitch, he just pulled that shit while I was right next to Jamie!
Kayla- Ricky calm down, look eventually someone was gonna out you, he just did it in a.
Stacy- Ricky calm down, look okay, you are the captain of the soccer team and this is just another hurtle, so woman the fuck up and take it head on.
Kayla- she's right, when have you ever let embarrassment stop you, for hell sakes you did a whole game in nothing but your sports bra when that bitch from Fremont high ripped your shirt off.
Ricky- Kayla this is different, I had a choice to ether continue and win the game or switch out and still win, I can't just tell him I've liked him without coming off slutty thanks to Sam.

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