Finding her

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Pic of Julia
Chapter one

Julia's POV

The world I live today is different than it used to be. The world is ruled by vampires. It all started with the great war. We were unprepared for this because us humans didn't think vampires existed. We lost the war and are now under the complete control of the vampire kingdom. At the age of fifteen all kids are put into one of the seven schools around the world. There's one school on each continent every body calls them boarding schools but I call them prison compounds. We're forced to stay there until our mates find us. Every day theirs vampires coming and going taking innocent kids wit them. I'm Julia Montgomery I'm seventeen and I've been in this stupid compound for two years. I generally keep to myself and don't talk much to anyone. I had a hard past my dad was killed in the great war and my mom was driven mad with grief and she quit paying attention to me and my older sister. My sister Jesy died a few years latter trying to protect me from the vampires. The rest of my family which was just my aunt Mia, uncle Henry, and cousin Betty got shot because they disrespected the kings. Before they died they hid me to keep me safe and the last thing any of them said to me was "listen to them and they wont hurt you but never loose faith of freedom." I stayed hidden where I was until my mom came and picked me up.

Today we apparently have some very special vampires coming to find their mates. This is the last school they have to search and instead of looking through classrooms we all had to be in the auditorium for the choosing. At eleven we were all herded in to the auditorium like cows into a barn. We sat there for about half an hour when the principles voice came through the microphone on the floor and said. "Sorry for they delay our guests are running a bit late but they will be here in a matter of minutes." The majority of the students seemed unconcerned and just milled around talking to each other. A few of the new kids were curled up into balls trying to hide. I was just sitting there thinking. I was so deep In thought that I didn't even notice that our guests arrived until heard like half the girls in the school screaming. I was curious what they were screaming about so I looked and saw five men enter the room. They all walked straight up to our principle and whispered to each to each other. I got board looking at them so I went back to thinking. I was just sinking into my thoughts when the principle said into the microphone. "All the boys go back to your dorms and girls come down an line up single file in front of your kings." When he said that I nearly choked on my own spit. I looked up and took a better look at them. in front of me stood One Direction otherwise known as the vampire kings yet I didn't even know any of there names. I did as I was told and lined up, but I made sure that I was the last in line. Slowly one by one the other girls were sent back to their dorms. One broken dream after another. Me I'm just begging in my head that I'm not their mate. the lines just getting shorter and shorter and I'm starting to panic. It was my turn so I just kept my head down. They can only tell if your their mate if they look into your eyes. "Look at us" one of them said. "No I Won't." I yelled at them. One of them grabbed my chin and my head up, so I did the only thing I could do and closed my eyes. "Open your eyes now and look at us!" One of them said. I started to freak as one of them pulled me into their arms. I tried to pull out of them put they just held me tighter no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get free of the arms constricting me. The longer he held me in his arms the more i freaked i started hyperventilating. One of the kings eventually noticed i was hyperventilating and told the one holding me and i was released. The king with the buzz cut then turned to my principal to ask what was wrong while the other kings started crowding around me shouting things i couldn't hear. " Julia has severe claustrophobia and starts hyperventilating when shes to close to people or in small spaces." I heard the principal say to them. I was still on the floor trying to calm down. Once the kings found out what was going on they all backed away to give me space to breath. After a couple minutes I was able to breath again and looked up at the kings without thinking. "MATE!" They all growled when they looked into my eyes. I was to weak to do anything about it so I just nodded and tried to stand up. The blonde king saw me struggling and came to help me up. Once i got to my feet I thanked him and turned around to start walking back to my dorm. The kings just kinda followed me not sure what to do. We were halfway to the door when they snapped out of whatever trance they were in. The king with curly hair then grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "Where are you going?" he asked me. "I'm going to my dorm to pack a few things I need unless you want to deal with a mate that is scared shitless, can't sleep, and is having a panic attack." I retorted and turned around and continued on my way. The kings shared looks of shock but continued following me. we got to my that I had to myself. "You guys can sit on the bed while I pack." I told them. I went to the closet and out my purple duffle bag. I then went around my room grabbing all the stuff I need. I went to my dresser and grabbed the necklace that my dad gave me, and a pic of my Jesy and I in our treehouse. Then I went over by my bed and grabbed my journal and panic attack pills off my bedside table. "Can you guys stand up for a minute?" I asked the kings. I grabbed my teddy bear that I got from my mom when I was five, then I grabbed my white wool blanket I've had since I was seven and folded it up and put all my stuff in my bag. "I'm ready to go." I told them and walked out taking one last look at the room I've spent the last two years of my life. we left the "school" and got into the limo they brought. As I was getting in the king with the quiff tried taking my bag but every time he got close to it I would go to bite him. I sat in the farthest corner of the limo with my bag in my lap so I wouldn't have to interact with them. We sat in an awkward silence until the king that asked my principal if I was ok decided to break it. "Well I think we should introduce our selves instead of you calling us by our hair styles or or in Niall's case hair color." He said. "I'm Liam, blondie is Niall, curly is Harry, quiff is Zayn, and floppy hair is Louis, now that you know our names care to tell us yours?" I liked at them wearily with a hint of fear and replied "My name is Julia Montgomery, wait a minute how did you know what I called you I never said any of those names to you guys?" Liam just smirked at me. "I can read minds." he said. After he said that the limo came to a stop. I looked out the window and discovered we were at an airport. I started to freak out I have a deathly fear of planes. "W-Why a-a-are w-we at an a-a-a-airport." I stuttered feeling a panic attack coming on. "Well we're in America right now but the castle is in London." Liam said while I was struggling to get my panic attack pills out of my bag. "I'm not getting on that flying metal death trap you call a plane and you can't make me." I said after I finally got my pills out and took one of the capsules. They looked at each other with mischievous looks as I was putting my pills back in my bag. "N-No

pl-please don't make me get on a plane, I I I'm afraid of f-f-flying." I squeaked out. Their looks of mischief turned to ones of sympathy. all the boys but Louis got out. I gave him a weird look cause he didn't get out as well. "My younger sister Lottie used to be afraid of flying too. She found it helped if she had some kind of comfort item like a security blanket." he said "If you have something like that we could try it otherwise we have sleeping pills on all our planes cause it used to help Lottie. We could try that too." I gave him my famous are you serious look and he laughed and we got out of the limo. We then went to find the boys and they were getting ready to get on the plane so we got on. I started freaking out as the plane started going down the air strip. I remembered what Louis said and I decided to give it a try so I got my blanket out of my bag. It helped a little bit but I still ended up in the corner of the plane curled up in a ball with my blanket wrapped around me and my thumb in my mouth rocking back and forth. The boys would would try and help me but every time they came near me I would shrink further back into the corner. After a while I started falling asleep so I used my bag as a pillow. I was in that place where your not asleep but your not awake when I felt myself being lifted and I I curled in to his chest not caring who it was. After a minute or two I was laid on something soft and warm. Then I fell in to a deep sleep.


This is my first vampire story so I'm not sure how it turned out.

I would appreciate it of you would comment and help me figure out how to make it better that would be a great help thanks.

From Hannah

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