Chapter 6 - An unexpected attack

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After a little bit of sitting around, getting ammo, and just talking about their adventures so far the team noticed a rather stranger alarm go off. It was just like the past times except the location was never expected. Tobey looked at it and said. "There's no way the signal is from here... didn't you say this place was in an area thy couldn't reach?"

Phoenix spoke up, "This place is sort of in limbo, as in the base isn't in any timeline so the shadows shouldn't have noticed it."

Then Jerry gave a suggestion to the crew. "What if... they looked for it really hard as if they-"

"Knew it was here all along and waited for the right moment to strike." Phoenix quickly realized.

Then all of a sudden explosions of some type of gas went off everywhere in the base closing off the team to one area until one last explosion happened and when it did they all looked at each other as they all fell to the floor losing consciousness.

Tobey woke up and looked around and saw no one near him but when he looked down he was strapped to a chair. "What the hell? Why am I tied up?"

Then as he was about to shout for help there was a voice just out of sight behind him. "Be quiet, I'm trying to figure out a way to get out of this."

"Who are you?"

"Depends... who's asking?"

"My name is Tobey. Now what's your name?"

"I'm Drago."

"Drago? Wow your name is really similar to Draco's"

"Did you just say Draco? Where is he? Let me at him!"

Drago started trying to break free from the chair. He then stopped realizing it was pointless. Another voice started speaking from all around the room. "Hello... Welcome to the place where you might spend the last of your days."

It was a voice that even thinking about made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Every word echoed in a way that made Tobey feel like any moment would be his last. It continued speaking, "Both of you seem to know each other now. But the rest of both your teams are separated into teams of two. Let's see how long you last."

As the voice stopped it gave out a menacing laugh just as creepy as the voice itself. Tobey looked around and still didn't see anything or anyone. Drago started talking. "Great. Now what are we gonna do? It's not like someone is just gonna pop out of nowhere and save us."

Tobey gave a quick look at the chair he was tied up in. It was just and old wooden chair and a rope tied tight around him. He had a feeling that whoever tied him up wanted him to escape because getting out seemed pretty obvious. "How about we try and break the chairs? They seem pretty old and rickety so maybe if one of us slams into the ground it will break."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Well then the other one jumps on top of the chair thats laying on the ground."

"Sounds like its the best we got."

Tobey attempted standing up but his legs were also tied to the chair so when he tried jumping he tripped and the chair fell sideways with him in it. As him and the chair hit the ground he heard a cracking noise. He prepared himself for Drago to jump. "All right, your turn now."

Drago lifted himself up and threw the back of his chair as hard as he could into Tobey's chair and as expected Tobey's chair broke from the impact and he got up and threw the ropes on the ground after slithering out of them. Then he went over to Drago and started to untie him. When Draco got up Tobey had to ask him, "How do you know Draco?"

"Because me and him are the same person. Except we are from different dimensions."

"Ok but how did you first meet him?"

"It's a long story. Anyways let's find everyone else."

The room was only lit by a small light that didn't even touch the walls so Drago sat down on the ground and started stretching while Tobey started searching the dark room for a door until he finally found one. He called over Drago and they went into a hallway that had a few more doors. Drago looked at Tobey and said, "I'm guessing the others are behind those doors. Maybe we should wait for them."

Tobey looked at Drago and nodded in agreement as they waited for the rest of the team to escape. Tobey decided to put up a little bit of conversation. "So, were you with anyone?"

"Two friends of mine, Toxic and Anon."

"Anon? As in anonymous? Is that his actual name or just him being secretive?"

"That's his actual name."

"So it seems two different teams of people were captured."

"Well we were just adventuring and hanging out. We aren't an actual team that's dedicated to anything."

Tobey sat down on the ground and gave a sigh. Drago sat down too and asked, "Do you have any clue who that voice was?"

"Probably who keeps creating these armies of shadows that my team fights."


"Well some guy can take darkness and create anything he wants and when he makes living beings with pure darkness we call them shadows."

"And he makes tons of them too?"

"Yeah, and so far I'm not completely sure who he is but when I was first attacked, the shadow screamed something about someone named 'Nightfall'."

"Welp, hopefully they get out soon."

"Yeah, I bet that if we attempted to break them out that there would be some type of trap."

"Most likely. Anyways now we wait."

Drago and Tobey sat there waiting for the rest of the teams to show up before they figured out anything else.

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