suprise suprise

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  Gashes an bang split the trees wide open the souls of dead men fly from the openings shouting the cries for war. Fires spread through the grass like no tomorrow. Deer an other animals try to run and hide, but are surrounded by fires and dead people made of a black vapor absorb themselves into the animals eyes and nostrils burning them to ash from the inside out causing them to scream and cry in there last breath. No one or anything survived. The earth begins to rattle and shake splitting wide  open and crashing down to the core. Dead souls and sirens arise along with devilish monsters and the dead. Evil laughs echo in the sky a black charcoaled and dead castle arises from the ground with a flag with a two headed cobra on it as a symbol of Satan and the curse of the dead. Bloody dragons with holey wings fly about with there rotten breath setting every living thing on fire codding the earth with blackened death. Mother nature itself is left defenceless without any moves to play in this deadly game of chess. Life has given in to the dark souls of the core beneath the crust.   

          Quickly jerking myself up in a sitting position with sweat dripping down my face.  I looked around to realize i was still at the camp with Jacob and Leon and not the ending of the world. Brushing the dirt and pine needles from my back i picked up my crossbow and walked up to the riverbed and sat on the rock. The water made a light mist over the calm waters. across the river on the other side stood an elk an its herd grazing and drinking the cool spring river water. The sun raised higher in the sky degrading its shyness and showed off its power that gives this planet life even though a war between a mythical creature and human has begun only god would now. What's is the point in believing in a god that created a horrid creature to abominate use.  The memories of loosing my parents family was horrifying and crushing. They hide me in the closet so they protect me, but it was no good. There blood was drained to the last drop and there throats were slashed to the would never waken again.  After that i swore to venge my for my kind.                                                                       "Hey, why are you away so early?" Jacob came up from behind me putting his hand on my shoulder. He tried to look into my eyes to see what was going on.                                                                    "Nothing, Just had a bad dream." I probably shouldn't have said anything more then nothing. He's going to get curious and ask more questions. i looked straight ahead threw the misty waters as the elk and the herd walked away for another place to relax an graze. Jacob sat next to my on the rock.                                                                                                                                                                   "What was it about?" Jacob layed his head on my lap getting ready to listen giving a puppy face. "Please tell me." His eyes were so addictive i didn't want to look away its all i wanted to look at. I felt like i could tell him anything. My heart started pounding. Most likely loud enough for the him to here like the taps of bongo drums in a rhythm few could understand.  " I can hear your heart beat Aqua. Its forbidden music the few would understand." He grabbed my hand an placed it on his heart and I could feel it pound loudly in its chest dying to sing its song.                                                                                   "I...I..urg..uhh.." He left me speechless my words where frozen in my throat barely daring to come out and show itself. My face glowed so red it wasn't even funny any more. I laughed nervously. I didn't know what how to say anything. There was something about him that gave my the butterflies that made me happy.                                                                                                                                               "Its ok you don't need to say anything." With one hand he gently creased my face and pressed his lips against mine.  I slowly started sliding my hand through his hair. The world Stopped in time as are lips kisses slowly. The silence made things more energetic. Jacob slowly laying my down hugging my shoulders with one arm and the other around my waist. wrapping my arms around his neck He began to kiss more aggressively. He trailing his kissed down me neck. He slide his hands down to my waist and started tickling me. I giggled loudly squirming in his grip.

      " Jacob! Jacob! Please stop please i beg you!" My laughter was so loud it woke up leon. I tried to push my way out of his grip. He tickled me even more. Tears from my laughs ran an played down my cheeks. He finally gave me mercy and let me catch my breath before i suffocated in happiness. Leon walked over rubbing his eye and yawning asking what the laughing was about. Before we could answer anything a clan appeared in a blink of an eye. There skin was so pale and there eyes where a glowing hazel and bloody red. One of them had Leon in a neck breaking position. Jacob was held back tightly by three men. Jacob growled loudly.

        "Surprise, surprise. The last blood of the Argon family. The last element bender. Oh Dear she doesn't know. Ha ha. You had a human mother, but you Father was on of the last avatar to be diminished. We needed you alive so we let you run around a little. My little green eyed wonder your coming with us." The vampire chuckled baring his fangs. He walked closer to me. Another one of his clan members tied my hands behind me back.

             "No I'm not going answer with you! I hate you!" I Pushed the guy that tied my hands to the ground. and kicked the clan leader in the neck, but he caught my foot. Using my other let i jump spinning out of his grip and kick his head clean off his shoulders. I could feel the anger stream in my blood. Flicking My hand a boulder Went flying hitting the hand tier smacking him. I sunk the men than were holding Jacob down. Jacob finally broke free and killed the other vampires. I shot the man holding tightly onto Leon between the eyes killing him. I caught Leon in my arm as he began to fall unconscious. the clan was was taken down. Jacob came running back returning to his normal form.

    "Is he ok?" Jacob started panicking and crying to the Leon laying in my arms with a quivered breath. " Come on brother squeeze my hand if you  can hear me." Jacob placed his hand in Leon's. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His eyes turned to a shade of watery blue. Jacob layed his head on his brothers chest crying.

     "I..It's g..gonna ok bro..ther.  St..ay st..strong. I you bro." Leon's last words quivered in the streams of tears and lose of breath. He was bit by the vamp. The poison has killed him. He took one last deep breath and his heart stopped. Leon was gone.

    "No! No! Leon please no!" Jacob screamed at his brother but there was no use. Leon couldn't hear him. Jacob's eyes where covered in water to where he was blind. His tears soaked Leon's shirt.          

   Helping Jacob dig a grave. We bury Leon and a moment in silence.

      "Leon I know we barely met, But there was something about you. A spark that no one else i ever met had. You were to Young to die and i failed to save you. I will do what it takes to restore your the life you should have had instead of dieing in vain." I placed a buccay larkspur i found near the open feilds on his grave which represented beautiful spirit.

    "Vous où un bon frère pour moi et je vais rester forte pour vous venger de votre mort." Jacob kneeled by his brother's grave placing a single red rose.

     The sun went down Jacob and i went back to the camp. We sat side by side staring at the fire. Silence Cared for five minutes to i decided to break the silences.

   "What's your plan?" Be for i could an answer from him he was fast asleep. He held me in his arms as he slept. eventually i fell asleep in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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