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i suppose this is an introduction of sorts??

but, i'm emmett. i'm a 14 year old trans guy who most definitely doesn't have a life, but likes to think otherwise. i live in ohio, and it is by far the most boring state in america itself. 

i love the idea of trans peter parker, and i love trans danny phantom. i love to write, and sometimes like to draw. i recently made this account because my other account was hacked, so this is the end result. i think i'll try my best to document my journey and give advice as i learn it myself. but, just a warning; i am not a medical professional. all of the things i have told you or posted about are merely from experience.

don't be afraid to send me a message. i love you all very much and i hope you take your meds, drink water, and eat well.


the rants of a trans boyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ