Chapter One

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|"How did I wind up here?"|

[Hello! Thanks for taking the time to read my first chapter of this new story I'm writing, called Irregular. I never wrote any story longer than this for a chapter, and I'm actually glad that I finally got the courage and determination to write a chapter this long. Since I've never done it before. And for the record, yes I wrote it all by myself lol. I had no help with anything because I felt like one inch of help could mean I never did it myself. To me, this is just an accomplishment. As for when the next chapter will be, probably two weeks from now? I will begin working on each chapter as soon as the previous one is done. So about two to three weeks, because I have a busy life, the next chapter should come. Well, enjoy :)]

It's honestly amazing what you can do and find when you get bored with life. Things become more aware to you, and you are no longer oblivious. You end up viewing the world for more than what it is, but of course, this is all by accident. At least, in Jimmy's case.

James Clarkson. But people call him Jimmy. Born and raised in New York. Long Island to be exact. The New York life is like no other. Although, it's still not like what it is, in the city. James is a middle schooler attending Garden City Middle School. His race is Caucasian with a mix of Hispanic. His father is European, James doesn't know where and his mother is from Colombia. So, he is of a lighter skin tone. He stands at about 5'6. So, he's pretty average for his age. Oh, and he's in his second year of middle school. So, he's 12.

"Honey, it's time to wake up. The bus will arrive in thirty minutes!" James' mother said to him. James's mom has that voice that sounds more American than it does Colombian. The reason is pretty simple, James's mother was born in America. She wasn't born in Colombia, but her parents are from there. "I am up mom! I'm brushing my teeth!" He shouts back to her as he's upstairs in the bathroom. Then he thinks to himself, "Jeez, doesn't she think I know already?" Then he spits. Rinses his mouth, and gargles, and then spits again. He whispers to himself to the mirror, "It's not like there's any thing special going on today, anyway." After about twenty minutes, James was all ready. "Okay, this is your first week of school honey, and I need you to cooperate with the teachers today. Just try to be good, okay?" His mother begged him. James was never really a bad kid, but I guess, when you don't have a father to help you man up, you don't really have much friends, and your mother is constantly on your ass about everything, I guess he wasn't a great kid either. James always followed the saying of, "Life isn't special, so what's the rush?"

Ten minutes passed and the bus arrived just on time. The busman honked and I rushed out, as I head into the bus. I look out the window, and my mother blew me a kiss and then waved. I just sighed. My mother didn't speak much Spanish, but she knew some things. In case anyone wondered. Like, she'll call me mijo from time to time. Or amor. But you have to remember, it doesn't sound quite Hispanic when she says it.

She sighed as she saw I didn't show any reaction to her kiss. "Please, God, let my son have a good day today..." Then she closes the door. The bus ride was pretty weird, I was sitting next to this kid named Tim. This kid likes to pick his nose, and then proceeds to talk about it like it's one of his pets. "This is Gooey McJefferson." You ever hear those nerds talk to you about something passionate in their life and it's like their nose is just messing with the way they speak? Yeah, that's Tim. I just nodded awkwardly and said, "Yea...that's a nice name for it.." After that I just decided to put my head on the window and gaze at the woods as the bus kept moving. Man, it was such a boring time being on the bus. Felt like I was on the bus for hours, but it was really only fifteen minutes. I was the last kid that they had to pick up. So, after some time, the bus stopped moving. We had finally arrived at the school. The school is freaking huge if you didn't know by the way. I get out of the bus and I walk towards the entrance. "Another day, another waste." Now I'm in the lobby. I spot one of my friends from elementary school. Luis, he was in my class in elementary school. And now he's still in my classes for middle school. He's a tall European, with that middle parted hair that literally every girl adores. I don't know why, it just does. "Yo! Jimmy!" And then he calls me. I walk up towards him and give him my hand, i was initiating the handshake. He then shook my hand. "What's up?" I asked him. Luis is very weird and awkward. He has the looks, but lacks the common sense. When it comes to girls for the most part. We both walk to our homeroom. 703. "Ah nothing much man, hey, did you know that kangaroos can jump 36 feet in the air?" Luis also has this weird thing where he believes every single fact that comes off from a Snapple cap. "You do know that not every thing from that cap is a fact, right?" And of course, Luis didn't take my words lightly. As he tried to start a mini argument. We were both interrupted by the teacher when we both came through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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