A life anew.

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(Two weeks later)

Stiles was sick and tired of Derek so he gotta do something about it.

Even though I will miss everybody I have to make the opportunity and leave.

Derek left to Guam but Stiles made a bold decision and changed his name to Dallas Austin Royale. He went to the Witness Protection Program/ FBI and changed it and located Stiles living in Melbourne, Australia and in so he can experience different cultures. Now, Stiles/Dallas is an exchange transfer from California now wants a restart in his life so she can make better choices . Dallas tried a Australian accent but there is one guy that thought it was cute , Riley, the surfer dude and a huge soccer jock from Sydney. for once in his life, Stiles never thought about Derek once.

(a letter from Derek)

Dear Stiles,

I know I screwed up, just give me a chance.

Sincerely and yours truly,


I throw the letter away!

Yours Truly (A Sterek Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora