5 months Later

50 4 1

Yn's Pov:Hey it's me again, I am 5 months pregnant now and I am huge India, Diamond and Nikki thinks I'm having twins but my mama thinks I'm having a boy I don't know but all I do know is that Damien is looking for me and he got out of jail yesterday.I kept in touch with his mama and of course she told him about the pregnancy and now he's looking for me but I don't want to talk to him I still haven't got over the accident

*Phone starts ringing from and unknown number *


Man:Hey you missed me?

Yn:Who is this?

Man:Yo husband


Damien:Yeah wassup why you move?

Yn:Because I deserve better and now I'm pregnant Damien I can't have my child around the stuff you be doing you need a REAL job not a marijuana selling job and I'm tired of the lies you still haven't told me who that Rayneshia girl is

Damien:My ex

Yn:Your ex name is Leah Damien I'm not stupid you were cheating on me and your lying again this is why I'm not taking you back

Damien:Please just hear me out I wanna get married and have a family Imma stop selling weed and I promise I will never put my hands on you again

Yn:I don't believe you

Damien:Bae please?

Yn:Im not your bae anymore *hangs up*

*Yn puts on a long sleeve black dress and some black slippers and gets in her car and goes to McDonald's and orders some food and sit down and eat*


Yn:Damien what are you doing here?

Damien:I don't want you to leave me I wanna get married and become a happy family

Yn:I don't believe you

Damien:*grabs her hand* baby? If I lose you Imma go crazy

Yn:Well go crazy cause you already lost me *tries to get up but he grabs her waist and pulls her close to him*

Damien:Just give me one more chance


Damien:Because I'm tryna switch my life around and become a better man

Yn:What that gotta do with me?

Damien:I want you in my life

Yn:Damien I have trust issues when it comes to you I don't know about anymore chances you cheated,lied,played me and you probably hiding something from me right now not that I care because we're not together anymore

Damien:You ain't going nowhere and I promise you that

Yn:Watch me *tries to walk away but he grips her waist tighter*What do you want from me?

Damien:I want you,i wanna marry you and have a family

Yn:One more chance is all you gettin and if you fuck this up it's never gonna be an us again and I promise you that Damien and by the way I'm doing this for the baby not you

Damien:Gimme a kiss

*Gives him a quick peck*

Damien:I love you

Yn:Love you too

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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